Video index
1. Call to Order
2. Reports From Students
4. Consent Agenda
5.A. Resolution Regarding Purchases from Nielsen Fleet / Ford
5.B. Appointment of Revised CSE/CPSE Committees
5.C. Resolution Regarding an Agreement with CBS/Xerox (“Xerox”)
5.D. Resolution for Award of Contract for Universal Pre Kindergarten Program for the 2025-2026 school year
5.E. Resolution to Authorize Piggybacking for the Purchase of Bleachers from Nickerson Corporation
5.F. Resolution to Authorize Piggybacking for the Purchase of Flooring Supply and Installation from Milburn Flooring
5.G. Resolution Regarding Statement of Benefits
5.H. Resolution to Approve an out of State Field Trip
5.I. Resolution to Approve an Out of State Field Trip
5.J. Resolution to Approve Out of State Field Trips for Murray Avenue School
6.A. Superintendent's Report
6.B. Updates from the Board of Education - Committee Reports
8. Annoucements
Feb 25, 2025 Mamaroneck Schools
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Reports From Students
4. Consent Agenda
5.A. Resolution Regarding Purchases from Nielsen Fleet / Ford
5.B. Appointment of Revised CSE/CPSE Committees
5.C. Resolution Regarding an Agreement with CBS/Xerox (“Xerox”)
5.D. Resolution for Award of Contract for Universal Pre Kindergarten Program for the 2025-2026 school year
5.E. Resolution to Authorize Piggybacking for the Purchase of Bleachers from Nickerson Corporation
5.F. Resolution to Authorize Piggybacking for the Purchase of Flooring Supply and Installation from Milburn Flooring
5.G. Resolution Regarding Statement of Benefits
5.H. Resolution to Approve an out of State Field Trip
5.I. Resolution to Approve an Out of State Field Trip
5.J. Resolution to Approve Out of State Field Trips for Murray Avenue School
6.A. Superintendent's Report
6.B. Updates from the Board of Education - Committee Reports
8. Annoucements
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