Video index
1. Call to Order
2. Reports From Students
3. Items to be Removed From Consent Agenda
4. Consent Agenda
5. A. Resolution to Extend an Agreement with Professional Athletic Training Services PLLC.
5. B. Resolution of Mamaroneck Union Free School District Declaring the Findings of the School District With Respect to the Proposals Received for the Financing of the School District's Energy Performance Contract With Honeywell International Inc.
5. C. Resolution for First Contract Amendment Between the Mamaroneck UFSD and Honeywell International Inc.
Items 5D & 5E
5. F. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. G. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. H. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. I. Resolution for a Settlement Agreement and General Release
5. J. Resolution Regarding Use of Additional Reserve Accounts
5. K. Resolution to Execute a Consent Order & Judgment
5. L. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. M. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. N. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. O. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. P. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. Q. Resolution Regarding Statement of Benefits for the 2024-2025 School Year
6. Policies - First Reading
7. Reports from the Superintendent and the Board of Education
8. Reports/Updates
9. Future Business
Dec 17, 2024 Mamaroneck Schools
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Reports From Students
3. Items to be Removed From Consent Agenda
4. Consent Agenda
5. A. Resolution to Extend an Agreement with Professional Athletic Training Services PLLC.
5. B. Resolution of Mamaroneck Union Free School District Declaring the Findings of the School District With Respect to the Proposals Received for the Financing of the School District's Energy Performance Contract With Honeywell International Inc.
5. C. Resolution for First Contract Amendment Between the Mamaroneck UFSD and Honeywell International Inc.
Items 5D & 5E
5. F. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. G. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. H. Side Letter of Agreement Between the Board of Education of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District and the Mamaroneck Teachers Association
5. I. Resolution for a Settlement Agreement and General Release
5. J. Resolution Regarding Use of Additional Reserve Accounts
5. K. Resolution to Execute a Consent Order & Judgment
5. L. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. M. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. N. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. O. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. P. Resolution for an Out of State Trip
5. Q. Resolution Regarding Statement of Benefits for the 2024-2025 School Year
6. Policies - First Reading
7. Reports from the Superintendent and the Board of Education
8. Reports/Updates
9. Future Business
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