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2.A. Providing Assistance to the Town of Rye to Restore Rye Town Park Beach (Manager's Office)
2.H. Cable Television Franchise Negotiations It is anticipated that a portion of the discussion may be held in Advice of Counsel (Mayor Murphy)
2.B. Bike Lanes Presentation (Michael Smeets to Present)
1.B. (January 23, 2023) Business Recruitment for the Village of Mamaroneck (Trustee Young)
1.A. (December 12, 2022) Election Cycles/Term Limit Changes
1.C. (February 27, 2023) Supporting Village Staff from Harassment and Bullying (Mayor Murphy) To Be Held Until April 24, 2023
1.D. (March 13, 2027) Fiscal Year 2023/24 Draft Fees & Charges Schedule (Manager's Office)
1.E. (March 13, 2027) Climate Action Plan (Manager's Office)
1.F. (March 13, 2027) Second Round of ARPA Funding (Manager's Office)
2.C. Westchester Joint Water Works Items (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting 1.A-1386 Rye Lake Turbidity Curtain & Boom Repair/Replacement 2.A-1394 Weaver Street Pump Station and PRV Upgrades (Phase 2)
2.D. Architectural/Engineering Services for 169 Mount Pleasant Avenue (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting
2.E. Rockland Avenue Traffic Corridor Study (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting
2.F. Junteenth Celebration 2023 (Recreation Department) For April 10. 2023 Regular Meeting
2.G. Opposition to the Discharge of Contaminated Water into the Hudson River (Mayor Murphy)
2.I. Liaisons to Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Area Committee (Trustee Young) No Backup
2.J. Reconstituting the Industrial Area Redevelopment Steering Committee (Trustee Lucas)
2.K. Parks Enhancements, including Comfort Stations (Trustee Rawlings)
2.L. Potential locations for Multi-Sport Facilities on Public Property (Trustee Rawlings) No Backup
2.M. Establishing Metered Parking on the 500-900 Block of Mamaroneck Avenue (Trustee Yizar-Reid)
2.N. Developing a Process to be Included as an Interested Agency for Upstream Development Impacting the Mamaroneck River Watershed (Trustee Yizar-Reid)
2.O. Partnership with SAPOA to Maintain Traffic Islands on The Parkway (Manager's Office)
Mar 27, 2023 Village of Mamaroneck Board of Trustees Work Session
Full agenda
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Full agenda
2.A. Providing Assistance to the Town of Rye to Restore Rye Town Park Beach (Manager's Office)
2.H. Cable Television Franchise Negotiations It is anticipated that a portion of the discussion may be held in Advice of Counsel (Mayor Murphy)
2.B. Bike Lanes Presentation (Michael Smeets to Present)
1.B. (January 23, 2023) Business Recruitment for the Village of Mamaroneck (Trustee Young)
1.A. (December 12, 2022) Election Cycles/Term Limit Changes
1.C. (February 27, 2023) Supporting Village Staff from Harassment and Bullying (Mayor Murphy) To Be Held Until April 24, 2023
1.D. (March 13, 2027) Fiscal Year 2023/24 Draft Fees & Charges Schedule (Manager's Office)
1.E. (March 13, 2027) Climate Action Plan (Manager's Office)
1.F. (March 13, 2027) Second Round of ARPA Funding (Manager's Office)
2.C. Westchester Joint Water Works Items (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting 1.A-1386 Rye Lake Turbidity Curtain & Boom Repair/Replacement 2.A-1394 Weaver Street Pump Station and PRV Upgrades (Phase 2)
2.D. Architectural/Engineering Services for 169 Mount Pleasant Avenue (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting
2.E. Rockland Avenue Traffic Corridor Study (Manager's Office) For April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting
2.F. Junteenth Celebration 2023 (Recreation Department) For April 10. 2023 Regular Meeting
2.G. Opposition to the Discharge of Contaminated Water into the Hudson River (Mayor Murphy)
2.I. Liaisons to Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Area Committee (Trustee Young) No Backup
2.J. Reconstituting the Industrial Area Redevelopment Steering Committee (Trustee Lucas)
2.K. Parks Enhancements, including Comfort Stations (Trustee Rawlings)
2.L. Potential locations for Multi-Sport Facilities on Public Property (Trustee Rawlings) No Backup
2.M. Establishing Metered Parking on the 500-900 Block of Mamaroneck Avenue (Trustee Yizar-Reid)
2.N. Developing a Process to be Included as an Interested Agency for Upstream Development Impacting the Mamaroneck River Watershed (Trustee Yizar-Reid)
2.O. Partnership with SAPOA to Maintain Traffic Islands on The Parkway (Manager's Office)
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