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A.1. Application #21-SP-22: 370 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Lot 8B). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(18). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.2. Application #25-SP-22: 805 Mamaroneck Avenue - CVS Pharmacy, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1). Located in the C-1 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II 617.5(c)(18). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.3. Application #26-SV-22: 1043 W Boston Post Road, (Section 9, Block 56, Lot 4B). Located in the C-1 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II 617.5(c)(9). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.4. Application #18-AV-22: 572 Van Ranst Place, (Section 8, Block 88, Lot 15B). Located in the R-M3 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Unlisted (Planning Board adopted Negative Declaration on 07/27/22.) CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.5. Application #22-AV-22: 350 Ward Avenue, (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 29A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(11). CLOSED 01/05/23. The applicants, Christopher & Danielle Abele propose to remove the existing roof/attic, construct a full 2nd story to existing single family residence. Work is within 50' of the Mamaroneck River. Variances required for increasing per existing non-conforming yards for increasing height and bulk and for 1 parking space as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 50.
A.6. Application #23-AV-22: 412 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 47, Lot 23A). Located in the R-7.5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(12)). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.7. Application #27-AV-22: 166 Maple Avenue, (Section 9, Block 8, Lot 52) Located in the R-5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II: 617.5(c)(11). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
B. 1. Case #15A-2018 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) Located in the M-1 Zoning District. The Board will discuss the Draft Final Environmental Impact Statement. The applicant, East Coast North Properties, LLC., seeks to expand a self-storage facility in the M-1 (Manufacturing) Zoning District. The proposal does not meet the following requirements: The maximum building coverage permitted is 50% (22,078 square feet); the existing site has building coverage of 45% (20,891 square feet) and the proposal is 59% (25,834 square feet); The maximum FAR permitted is 1.0; the existing FAR is 1.34 and the proposal is for 2.43 FAR. The maximum building height is 3 for stories; the existing is 4 stories and the proposal is 4 stories. The front yard setback along Fenimore Avenue is 10 feet; the existing is 4.8 inches and the proposal is 4.8 inches. The required number of off-street parking spaces is 137; the existing number of off-street parking spaces is 25 and the proposed number of off-street parking spaces is 25. The required number of loading spaces is 8; the existing number of loading spaces is 0 and the proposed number of loading spaces is 4. Accordingly, area variances are required. SEQRA Classification: This action is classified as an “Unlisted” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.6. The Board issued a positive declaration. “ Due to file size constraints, the preliminary FEIS is available on the ZBA page of the Village’s website: ”
Feb 02, 2023 Village of Mamaroneck Zoning
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A.1. Application #21-SP-22: 370 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Lot 8B). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(18). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.2. Application #25-SP-22: 805 Mamaroneck Avenue - CVS Pharmacy, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1). Located in the C-1 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II 617.5(c)(18). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.3. Application #26-SV-22: 1043 W Boston Post Road, (Section 9, Block 56, Lot 4B). Located in the C-1 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II 617.5(c)(9). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.4. Application #18-AV-22: 572 Van Ranst Place, (Section 8, Block 88, Lot 15B). Located in the R-M3 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Unlisted (Planning Board adopted Negative Declaration on 07/27/22.) CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.5. Application #22-AV-22: 350 Ward Avenue, (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 29A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(11). CLOSED 01/05/23. The applicants, Christopher & Danielle Abele propose to remove the existing roof/attic, construct a full 2nd story to existing single family residence. Work is within 50' of the Mamaroneck River. Variances required for increasing per existing non-conforming yards for increasing height and bulk and for 1 parking space as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 50.
A.6. Application #23-AV-22: 412 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 47, Lot 23A). Located in the R-7.5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(12)). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
A.7. Application #27-AV-22: 166 Maple Avenue, (Section 9, Block 8, Lot 52) Located in the R-5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II: 617.5(c)(11). CLOSED ON 01/05/23.
B. 1. Case #15A-2018 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) Located in the M-1 Zoning District. The Board will discuss the Draft Final Environmental Impact Statement. The applicant, East Coast North Properties, LLC., seeks to expand a self-storage facility in the M-1 (Manufacturing) Zoning District. The proposal does not meet the following requirements: The maximum building coverage permitted is 50% (22,078 square feet); the existing site has building coverage of 45% (20,891 square feet) and the proposal is 59% (25,834 square feet); The maximum FAR permitted is 1.0; the existing FAR is 1.34 and the proposal is for 2.43 FAR. The maximum building height is 3 for stories; the existing is 4 stories and the proposal is 4 stories. The front yard setback along Fenimore Avenue is 10 feet; the existing is 4.8 inches and the proposal is 4.8 inches. The required number of off-street parking spaces is 137; the existing number of off-street parking spaces is 25 and the proposed number of off-street parking spaces is 25. The required number of loading spaces is 8; the existing number of loading spaces is 0 and the proposed number of loading spaces is 4. Accordingly, area variances are required. SEQRA Classification: This action is classified as an “Unlisted” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.6. The Board issued a positive declaration. “ Due to file size constraints, the preliminary FEIS is available on the ZBA page of the Village’s website: ”
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