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A.1. Application #21-SP-22: 370 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Lot 8B). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(18). The applicant, Ali Sahin seeks a special permit to operate a new bar and lounge, Mamaroneck Social.
A.2. Application #22-AV-22: 350 Ward Avenue, (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 29A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(11). The applicants, Christopher & Danielle Abele propose to remove the existing roof/attic, construct a full 2nd story to existing single family residence. Work is within 50' of the Mamaroneck River. Needs interpretation from ZBA due to location between C-2 and R-2 zoning. May need additional variances for increasing per existing non-conforming yards for increasing height and bulk as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 50.
A.3. Application #23-AV-22: 412 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 47, Lot 23A). Located in the R-7.5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(12)). The applicant, Bill Archer seeks an area variance to construct a retaining wall, fencing, patio, and planting area which will expand lot coverage of 35% as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 65.
C.1. The Board will review the proposed meeting dates for 2023.
B.1. Application #11-SP-22: 308 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Block 17A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II: 617.5(c)(18). The applicant, Mike Arici (Barquila) seeks to amend and renew existing special permit originally granted on November 5, 2020.
B.2. Application #13-AP-22: 886 Orienta Ave, (Section 9, Block 100, Lot 2). Located in the R-20 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(c)(12) & 617.5(c)(37)). The applicants, Stuart Tiekert & Suzanne McCrory seek an appeal to annul building permit #21-0459 issued to renovate an accessory structure.
B.3. Application #19-AV-22: 883 Port Drive, (Section 9, Block 9-97A, Lot 5). Located in the R-5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II – 617.5(c)(17). The applicants, Nicholas & Josephine Cassin seek an area variance to demolish the roof, garage & family room. Add full height 2nd story with half story above; add larger garage & family room and add porch as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 27.
D.1. The Board may discuss and consider items that are not the subject of public hearings scheduled for this date.
Nov 03, 2022 Village of Mamaroneck Zoning
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Full agenda
A.1. Application #21-SP-22: 370 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Lot 8B). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(18). The applicant, Ali Sahin seeks a special permit to operate a new bar and lounge, Mamaroneck Social.
A.2. Application #22-AV-22: 350 Ward Avenue, (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 29A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II §617.5(c)(11). The applicants, Christopher & Danielle Abele propose to remove the existing roof/attic, construct a full 2nd story to existing single family residence. Work is within 50' of the Mamaroneck River. Needs interpretation from ZBA due to location between C-2 and R-2 zoning. May need additional variances for increasing per existing non-conforming yards for increasing height and bulk as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 50.
A.3. Application #23-AV-22: 412 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 47, Lot 23A). Located in the R-7.5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(12)). The applicant, Bill Archer seeks an area variance to construct a retaining wall, fencing, patio, and planting area which will expand lot coverage of 35% as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 65.
C.1. The Board will review the proposed meeting dates for 2023.
B.1. Application #11-SP-22: 308 Mamaroneck Ave, (Section 9, Block 18, Block 17A). Located in the C-2 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II: 617.5(c)(18). The applicant, Mike Arici (Barquila) seeks to amend and renew existing special permit originally granted on November 5, 2020.
B.2. Application #13-AP-22: 886 Orienta Ave, (Section 9, Block 100, Lot 2). Located in the R-20 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II (617.5(c)(12) & 617.5(c)(37)). The applicants, Stuart Tiekert & Suzanne McCrory seek an appeal to annul building permit #21-0459 issued to renovate an accessory structure.
B.3. Application #19-AV-22: 883 Port Drive, (Section 9, Block 9-97A, Lot 5). Located in the R-5 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Type II – 617.5(c)(17). The applicants, Nicholas & Josephine Cassin seek an area variance to demolish the roof, garage & family room. Add full height 2nd story with half story above; add larger garage & family room and add porch as per Village Code Chapter 342, Article 27.
D.1. The Board may discuss and consider items that are not the subject of public hearings scheduled for this date.
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