Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions - Anthony Sorrell-Environmental Committee
Resolutions - Set Public Hearing, Monday, March 14, 2022- Proposed local law authorizing a Property tax levy in excess of the limit established in General Municipal Law. - Auth. Administrator to Execute Lease Renewal Agreement w/ CVS, Albany, LLC - Amend Ch. 273-48 of Village Code-4 Way Stop at Beach & Willow Avenues Resolutions set at previous Work Session -
Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions - Anthony Sorrell-Environmental Committee
Resolutions - Set Public Hearing, Monday, March 14, 2022- Proposed local law authorizing a Property tax levy in excess of the limit established in General Municipal Law. - Auth. Administrator to Execute Lease Renewal Agreement w/ CVS, Albany, LLC - Amend Ch. 273-48 of Village Code-4 Way Stop at Beach & Willow Avenues Resolutions set at previous Work Session -