Public Hearings - Proposed local law- Amendment to Chapter 381: Zoning of the Larchmont Village Adjourned from 11/18/19 Code-THIS PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE ADJOURNED TO A FUTURE DATE - Proposed local law-Amend Ch. 229 & 283, Sewers and Water Laws
Resolutions - 2020 Village Elections- Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - Auth. Administrator to hire Election Inspectors- Village Elections, March 18, 2020
Public Hearings - Proposed local law- Amendment to Chapter 381: Zoning of the Larchmont Village Adjourned from 11/18/19 Code-THIS PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE ADJOURNED TO A FUTURE DATE - Proposed local law-Amend Ch. 229 & 283, Sewers and Water Laws
Resolutions - 2020 Village Elections- Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - Auth. Administrator to hire Election Inspectors- Village Elections, March 18, 2020