Public Hearing - To consider a local law authorizing a property tax levy in excess of 7:30 PM the limit established in General Municipal Law.
Resolutions - Establishing 2018-2019 Fees & Charges Work Session - Approve Save the Children- Flint Park 6/23/18 - Increase Income Limit to $29,000- SCRIE - Approve retainer Agreement w/ Blanchard & Wilson, LLP - Approve Planner’s Fee-Planning Board Applications - Approve 2018 Flint Park Day Camp Salaries - Auth. purchase American-Le France Fire Truck
Public Hearing - To consider a local law authorizing a property tax levy in excess of 7:30 PM the limit established in General Municipal Law.
Resolutions - Establishing 2018-2019 Fees & Charges Work Session - Approve Save the Children- Flint Park 6/23/18 - Increase Income Limit to $29,000- SCRIE - Approve retainer Agreement w/ Blanchard & Wilson, LLP - Approve Planner’s Fee-Planning Board Applications - Approve 2018 Flint Park Day Camp Salaries - Auth. purchase American-Le France Fire Truck