1. Roll Call- Pledge of Allegiance 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions
Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law G to revise the Zoning Law by regulating the location and 7:30 PM dimensions of retaining walls and the land surrounding them - Proposed Local Law J to amend the Zoning Law by adding regulations concerning changes of grade and soil movement - Proposed Local Law K to amend the Zoning Law by establishing regulations concerning mechanical rock excavation and additional regulations concerning rock blasting - Proposed Local Law M to amend the site pan regulations of the Zoning Law by increasing the regulation of the demolition of improvements and condition of lots following demolition - Proposed Local Law O to amend the Zoning Law by increasing coordination among the Village’s land use boards - Proposed Local Law R to amend the grandfathering provisions of the Zoning Law following amendments Resolutions - Resolution determining significance pursuant to SEQRA - Resolution to adopt various proposed land use laws, with attached findings statements Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law Regarding the Provision of Affordable Housing - Resolution to adopt the Provision of Affordable housing
10. Resolutions - Village Elections- Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement- June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2020 - AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement Stipulation Work Sessions - Coast Guard Anchorage Grounds- Hudson River - Non-Union & Management Salary Increases-Fiscal Year 2016/2017 11. Hear those persons who wish to address the Board.
1. Roll Call- Pledge of Allegiance 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions
Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law G to revise the Zoning Law by regulating the location and 7:30 PM dimensions of retaining walls and the land surrounding them - Proposed Local Law J to amend the Zoning Law by adding regulations concerning changes of grade and soil movement - Proposed Local Law K to amend the Zoning Law by establishing regulations concerning mechanical rock excavation and additional regulations concerning rock blasting - Proposed Local Law M to amend the site pan regulations of the Zoning Law by increasing the regulation of the demolition of improvements and condition of lots following demolition - Proposed Local Law O to amend the Zoning Law by increasing coordination among the Village’s land use boards - Proposed Local Law R to amend the grandfathering provisions of the Zoning Law following amendments Resolutions - Resolution determining significance pursuant to SEQRA - Resolution to adopt various proposed land use laws, with attached findings statements Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law Regarding the Provision of Affordable Housing - Resolution to adopt the Provision of Affordable housing
10. Resolutions - Village Elections- Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement- June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2020 - AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement Stipulation Work Sessions - Coast Guard Anchorage Grounds- Hudson River - Non-Union & Management Salary Increases-Fiscal Year 2016/2017 11. Hear those persons who wish to address the Board.