1. Roll Call- Pledge of Allegiance 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions
Public Hearing - Consider & Take Public Comment on the Palmer Avenue Streetscape Project 7:30 PM Assessment & Apportionment of Costs
Resolutions - Execute Collective Bargaining Agreement- AFSCME Local 1735 - Supplemental Appropriation 2016-17 Capital Fund Budget/ Constitution Park The following resolutions refer to the proposed local laws listed below: - SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS - PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS: SEQRA TYPING AND REFERRALS TO ,OTHER AGENCIES - PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS: REFERRALS TO OTHER AGENCIES - Local Law to move the Separate Site Plan Approval & Subdivision of Land Chapters of the Village Code into the Zoning Law Local Law to strengthen stormwater management controls during & following the development Local Law to amend Chapter 263 of Village Code to regulate and strengthen the protection of trees in parks and on streets Local Law to amend the Zoning code regarding, tree removal, preservation, and planting in connection with subdivision and site plan approval Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing maximum gross residential floor area ratios for one-family dwellings within certain districts and by requiring increased setbacks under certain circumstances Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing limitations on lot coverage in certain zoning districts Local Law to revise the Zoning Law by regulating the location and dimensions of retaining walls and the land surrounding them Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing limitations on placement and noise impacts of generators & HVAC (heating, ventilating, and/or air conditioning) equipment in certain zoning districts Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing standards for the location and dimensions of single and shared driveways in certain districts Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by adding regulations concerning changes of grade and soil movement Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing regulations concerning mechanical rock excavation and additional regulations concerning rock blasting Local Law to amend the Zoning Law to tighten the regulations of demolitions Local Law to amend the site pan regulations of the Zoning Law by prohibiting site plan approval for proposed demolition that is subject to additional zoning regulations Local Law to amend the subdivision regulations of the Zoning Law by revising the definition of subdivision, adding provisions concerning lot arrangement and dimensions and ensuring consideration of the land’s character Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by increasing coordination among the Village’s land use boards Local Law to amend Zoning Law provisions concerning fees and establishing the requirement of escrow accounts for consultant fees Local Law to amend the grandfathering provisions of the Zoning Law following amendments Work Session - 1949 Easement Agreement Terminated Superseded by Easement Agreement w/ Pinebrook Condominium Assoc. approved by Board on April 20, 2015
1. Roll Call- Pledge of Allegiance 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions
Public Hearing - Consider & Take Public Comment on the Palmer Avenue Streetscape Project 7:30 PM Assessment & Apportionment of Costs
Resolutions - Execute Collective Bargaining Agreement- AFSCME Local 1735 - Supplemental Appropriation 2016-17 Capital Fund Budget/ Constitution Park The following resolutions refer to the proposed local laws listed below: - SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS - PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS: SEQRA TYPING AND REFERRALS TO ,OTHER AGENCIES - PROPOSED LOCAL LAWS: REFERRALS TO OTHER AGENCIES - Local Law to move the Separate Site Plan Approval & Subdivision of Land Chapters of the Village Code into the Zoning Law Local Law to strengthen stormwater management controls during & following the development Local Law to amend Chapter 263 of Village Code to regulate and strengthen the protection of trees in parks and on streets Local Law to amend the Zoning code regarding, tree removal, preservation, and planting in connection with subdivision and site plan approval Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing maximum gross residential floor area ratios for one-family dwellings within certain districts and by requiring increased setbacks under certain circumstances Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing limitations on lot coverage in certain zoning districts Local Law to revise the Zoning Law by regulating the location and dimensions of retaining walls and the land surrounding them Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing limitations on placement and noise impacts of generators & HVAC (heating, ventilating, and/or air conditioning) equipment in certain zoning districts Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing standards for the location and dimensions of single and shared driveways in certain districts Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by adding regulations concerning changes of grade and soil movement Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by establishing regulations concerning mechanical rock excavation and additional regulations concerning rock blasting Local Law to amend the Zoning Law to tighten the regulations of demolitions Local Law to amend the site pan regulations of the Zoning Law by prohibiting site plan approval for proposed demolition that is subject to additional zoning regulations Local Law to amend the subdivision regulations of the Zoning Law by revising the definition of subdivision, adding provisions concerning lot arrangement and dimensions and ensuring consideration of the land’s character Local Law to amend the Zoning Law by increasing coordination among the Village’s land use boards Local Law to amend Zoning Law provisions concerning fees and establishing the requirement of escrow accounts for consultant fees Local Law to amend the grandfathering provisions of the Zoning Law following amendments Work Session - 1949 Easement Agreement Terminated Superseded by Easement Agreement w/ Pinebrook Condominium Assoc. approved by Board on April 20, 2015