1. Roll Call 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions - MHS Field Hockey team - Solarize Westchester
Public Hearing - Public Hearing for consideration of a local law increasing fines for certain street 7:30 PM time limits and lot parking without permit
Public Hearing - For consideration of local law to establish the position of Adjourned from 12/15/14 Village Administrator/Clerk as an employee of the Village of Larchmont and sets forth the duties and responsibilities of that position
Resolutions - Elections: Polling Places and Times Hiring Election Inspectors Geo Design for engineering services Accept proposal of Donald P. Marra for professional services in the search for a Village Administrator/Clerk - Work Session Police Department-Leads Online Software Employee Deferred Compensation Plan
12. Approve minutes of meetings – November 17, December 15 work session- October 6,November 24, December 1, December 8 13. Approval of bills. 14. Adjournment.
1. Roll Call 2. Mayor - Announcements - Appointments to Committees or Commissions - MHS Field Hockey team - Solarize Westchester
Public Hearing - Public Hearing for consideration of a local law increasing fines for certain street 7:30 PM time limits and lot parking without permit
Public Hearing - For consideration of local law to establish the position of Adjourned from 12/15/14 Village Administrator/Clerk as an employee of the Village of Larchmont and sets forth the duties and responsibilities of that position
Resolutions - Elections: Polling Places and Times Hiring Election Inspectors Geo Design for engineering services Accept proposal of Donald P. Marra for professional services in the search for a Village Administrator/Clerk - Work Session Police Department-Leads Online Software Employee Deferred Compensation Plan
12. Approve minutes of meetings – November 17, December 15 work session- October 6,November 24, December 1, December 8 13. Approval of bills. 14. Adjournment.