1. Watch Video A. Watch the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission Work Session via ZOOM: (The public may watch but will not be permitted to speak. If anyone from the public wishes to speak, you may do so at the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission’s February 17, 2021 regular meeting; wherein, the same agenda items will be discussed with public comment and public participation.). Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/95104812461 Meeting ID: 951 0481 2461 Dial In: (646) 558 8656 Use Passcode: 808241 You may watch the meeting on LMCTV or stream live at https://www.youtube.com/user/LMCTVProductions 2. ATTENDANCE
B. Orienta Beach Club - 1025 Rushmore Avenue - (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Located in the MR Zoning District *** The applicant seeks to construct a new roof-covered upper terrace over the existing lower terrace along the South-East side of the main club house, renovate the existing lower terrace and service bar, and relocate the existing walks and steps, new landscaping at lower terrace, and new stormwater system for the upper and lower terrace impervious surfaces. The application requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code.
A. 1165 Greacen Point Road (Village Section 9, Block 93A, Lot 10) and (Town Section 9, Block 50, Lot 373) Located in the R-20 Zoning District. *** The applicant, William and Elisabeth Fedyna represented by Anthony Gioffre, Esq., seeks to construct a single-family home which requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. SEQRA Determination: This action is classified as a “Type II” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.5(c)(11); ending the SEQRA process. Planning Board Opened Public Hearing – May 13, 2020 Consistency Review – May 20, 2020 Continued Consistency Review – July 15, 2020
4. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS A. Proposed Amendments to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Pursuant to Chapter 240, Section 36(A)(7) of the Village Code, the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission is empowered “To recommend updates the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and its harbor management elements.” *** Accordingly, the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission may provide a recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees regarding the amendment of the Village’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP). 6. ADJOURN MEETING
1. Watch Video A. Watch the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission Work Session via ZOOM: (The public may watch but will not be permitted to speak. If anyone from the public wishes to speak, you may do so at the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission’s February 17, 2021 regular meeting; wherein, the same agenda items will be discussed with public comment and public participation.). Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/95104812461 Meeting ID: 951 0481 2461 Dial In: (646) 558 8656 Use Passcode: 808241 You may watch the meeting on LMCTV or stream live at https://www.youtube.com/user/LMCTVProductions 2. ATTENDANCE
B. Orienta Beach Club - 1025 Rushmore Avenue - (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Located in the MR Zoning District *** The applicant seeks to construct a new roof-covered upper terrace over the existing lower terrace along the South-East side of the main club house, renovate the existing lower terrace and service bar, and relocate the existing walks and steps, new landscaping at lower terrace, and new stormwater system for the upper and lower terrace impervious surfaces. The application requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code.
A. 1165 Greacen Point Road (Village Section 9, Block 93A, Lot 10) and (Town Section 9, Block 50, Lot 373) Located in the R-20 Zoning District. *** The applicant, William and Elisabeth Fedyna represented by Anthony Gioffre, Esq., seeks to construct a single-family home which requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. SEQRA Determination: This action is classified as a “Type II” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.5(c)(11); ending the SEQRA process. Planning Board Opened Public Hearing – May 13, 2020 Consistency Review – May 20, 2020 Continued Consistency Review – July 15, 2020
4. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS A. Proposed Amendments to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Pursuant to Chapter 240, Section 36(A)(7) of the Village Code, the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission is empowered “To recommend updates the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and its harbor management elements.” *** Accordingly, the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission may provide a recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees regarding the amendment of the Village’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP). 6. ADJOURN MEETING