1 SHORE ROAD, NAUSET LLC FOR SEA 146 LLC WETLANDS PERMIT-CONSISTENCY REVIEW (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 25-1A) Application for a Wetlands Permit Marine Structures permit to construct an addition to the existing residence with alterations to the existing single family home, construct a new garage, gatehouse, a pier, boat lift and two docks. The Applicant is also proposing to replace the existing pool, spa, patio areas and septic system and reconstruct portions of the driveway, install new storm water management improvements and new wetland buffer plantings. The property is located in the R-15 Residential District. SEQRA TYPE ACTION AND OPEN PUBLIC HEARING. 09 25 2019 PB Opened Public Hearing 10 30 2019 HCZMC Conceptual Review 11 13 2019 SEQRA PB Type 2 Action 12 18 2019, 02 25 2020, 03 18 2020 Consistency Review
139 E. PROSPECT AVENUE LLC FOR PALLADIUM MANAGEMENT CONTINUED PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 51, Lot 11B) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit Approval to demolish the existing residential structure and construct a new 4 story multi- family building with 8 one bedroom units- providing 1 FHAU pursuant to Section 342-50(B) (6) of the Village code and associated parking. (C-2 District). 01 08 2020 SEQRA PB Unlisted Action Circulation for Lead Agency complete 01 15 2020 HCZMC SEQRA and Preliminary Review 03 18 2020 Continued Preliminary Review
NEW BUSINESS HARBOR ISLAND PILE REPLACEMENT - Application for a Marine Structure Permit for the removal of 10 steel piles and installation of 11 piles in both the West Basin and East Basin of the Mamaroneck Harbor
355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD - PLANNING BOARD CIRCULATION FOR LEAD AGENCY FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit approval for infill housing to build a 3-story mixed-use development with six 1-bedroom units and 995 sf of retail space in the C-2 zoning district at 355 Phillips Park Rd. The site is approximately 5,848 sf and is located on Phillips Park Rd near Spencer Ave, abutting the Mamaroneck River. The applicant proposes 11 off-street parking spaces, inclusive of four that are on the adjacent property at 125 Spencer Place. (C-2 District). HCZMC is an Involved Agency
LWRP UPDATE - Work Session on the final revision of the LWRP as per the request of the Board of Trustees
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES- Consideration of the minutes from the February 25, 2020 meeting. 6. ADJOURN MEETING
1 SHORE ROAD, NAUSET LLC FOR SEA 146 LLC WETLANDS PERMIT-CONSISTENCY REVIEW (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 25-1A) Application for a Wetlands Permit Marine Structures permit to construct an addition to the existing residence with alterations to the existing single family home, construct a new garage, gatehouse, a pier, boat lift and two docks. The Applicant is also proposing to replace the existing pool, spa, patio areas and septic system and reconstruct portions of the driveway, install new storm water management improvements and new wetland buffer plantings. The property is located in the R-15 Residential District. SEQRA TYPE ACTION AND OPEN PUBLIC HEARING. 09 25 2019 PB Opened Public Hearing 10 30 2019 HCZMC Conceptual Review 11 13 2019 SEQRA PB Type 2 Action 12 18 2019, 02 25 2020, 03 18 2020 Consistency Review
139 E. PROSPECT AVENUE LLC FOR PALLADIUM MANAGEMENT CONTINUED PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 51, Lot 11B) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit Approval to demolish the existing residential structure and construct a new 4 story multi- family building with 8 one bedroom units- providing 1 FHAU pursuant to Section 342-50(B) (6) of the Village code and associated parking. (C-2 District). 01 08 2020 SEQRA PB Unlisted Action Circulation for Lead Agency complete 01 15 2020 HCZMC SEQRA and Preliminary Review 03 18 2020 Continued Preliminary Review
NEW BUSINESS HARBOR ISLAND PILE REPLACEMENT - Application for a Marine Structure Permit for the removal of 10 steel piles and installation of 11 piles in both the West Basin and East Basin of the Mamaroneck Harbor
355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD - PLANNING BOARD CIRCULATION FOR LEAD AGENCY FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit approval for infill housing to build a 3-story mixed-use development with six 1-bedroom units and 995 sf of retail space in the C-2 zoning district at 355 Phillips Park Rd. The site is approximately 5,848 sf and is located on Phillips Park Rd near Spencer Ave, abutting the Mamaroneck River. The applicant proposes 11 off-street parking spaces, inclusive of four that are on the adjacent property at 125 Spencer Place. (C-2 District). HCZMC is an Involved Agency
LWRP UPDATE - Work Session on the final revision of the LWRP as per the request of the Board of Trustees
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES- Consideration of the minutes from the February 25, 2020 meeting. 6. ADJOURN MEETING