OLD BUSINESS- CONSISTENCY LIPMAN GOODMAN WETLANDS PERMIT- CONSISTENCY REVIEW FOR WETLANDS PERMIT 4 Shore Road (Section 4 Block 77 Lot 27-4) Application for consistency review of a wetlands permit for a new single family home replacing an existing single family home.(R-15 District)
LAST HOME LLC WETLANDS PERMIT- CONSISTENCY REVIEW FOR WETLANDS PERMIT - 203 Hommocks Road ( Section 9, Block 45, Lot 98) Application for a Wetlands Permit for the proposed demolition of an existing residence and accessory structures and construction of a new single-family home further from the shoreline. The existing SSTS, which is within the tidal wetland adjacent area, will be abandoned and the new house will be connected to public sewer via a new (approved) connection. In addition to the new home, a new tennis court is proposed on the site outside of the wetland adjacent area.(R-20 District)
NEW BUSINESS- PRELIMINARY REVIEW 716 , 722 GUION DRIVE and 721 STUART AVENUE WETLANDS PERMITPRELIMINARY REVIEW Wetlands Permit Application - 716 Guion Drive, 722 Guion Drive and 721 Stuart Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 161), (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 163), (Section 4, Block 66, Lot 3).Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicants, Peter and Sara Ristine, Brendon Lewis and Jessica Doyle and Alanna and Simon Weifenbach, propose to re-grade and install new drainage structures across the rear yards of the above-mentioned parcels to improve drainage and reduce flooding. All properties involved are single family residences and propose no additional impervious surface.R-7.5 Residential District
700 702 TAYLORS LANE WETLANDS PERMIT- PRELIMINARY REVIEW Wetlands Permit Application - 700- 702 Taylors Lane in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 28B1), Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicant, Kamran Tabaddor, propose to replace two existing water services for 700 Taylors Lane and 702 Taylors Lane . The water service alignment is for Taylors Lane through Van Amringe Mill Pond to 700 Taylors Lane (Shadow Island) R-15 Residential District
OLD BUSINESS- CONSISTENCY LIPMAN GOODMAN WETLANDS PERMIT- CONSISTENCY REVIEW FOR WETLANDS PERMIT 4 Shore Road (Section 4 Block 77 Lot 27-4) Application for consistency review of a wetlands permit for a new single family home replacing an existing single family home.(R-15 District)
LAST HOME LLC WETLANDS PERMIT- CONSISTENCY REVIEW FOR WETLANDS PERMIT - 203 Hommocks Road ( Section 9, Block 45, Lot 98) Application for a Wetlands Permit for the proposed demolition of an existing residence and accessory structures and construction of a new single-family home further from the shoreline. The existing SSTS, which is within the tidal wetland adjacent area, will be abandoned and the new house will be connected to public sewer via a new (approved) connection. In addition to the new home, a new tennis court is proposed on the site outside of the wetland adjacent area.(R-20 District)
NEW BUSINESS- PRELIMINARY REVIEW 716 , 722 GUION DRIVE and 721 STUART AVENUE WETLANDS PERMITPRELIMINARY REVIEW Wetlands Permit Application - 716 Guion Drive, 722 Guion Drive and 721 Stuart Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 161), (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 163), (Section 4, Block 66, Lot 3).Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicants, Peter and Sara Ristine, Brendon Lewis and Jessica Doyle and Alanna and Simon Weifenbach, propose to re-grade and install new drainage structures across the rear yards of the above-mentioned parcels to improve drainage and reduce flooding. All properties involved are single family residences and propose no additional impervious surface.R-7.5 Residential District
700 702 TAYLORS LANE WETLANDS PERMIT- PRELIMINARY REVIEW Wetlands Permit Application - 700- 702 Taylors Lane in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 28B1), Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicant, Kamran Tabaddor, propose to replace two existing water services for 700 Taylors Lane and 702 Taylors Lane . The water service alignment is for Taylors Lane through Van Amringe Mill Pond to 700 Taylors Lane (Shadow Island) R-15 Residential District