THE RESIDENCES at LIBRARY LANE 145- 149 LIBRARY LANE PRELIMINARY - Continued Preliminary Review (Section 9, Block 50, Lot 6A) Discuss site plan application for 145-149 Library Lane to remove the existing building and construct a 9 unit apartment building with parking on the ground level and review submitted long-form Environmental Assessment Form. (C-2 District)
BEACH POINT CLUB - PERIMETER PERMIT 900 Rushmore Avenue-(Section 9, Block 97, Lot 2, 3,4a) Application for a new Perimeter Permit per Chapter 240-20 I.
WROBLEWSKI SUBDIVISION- PRELIMINARY REVIEW 709 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 10 , Lot 64) Preliminary Review for Consistency of a proposed Subdivision for the creation of 1 new lot in the R-5 District
THE RESIDENCES at LIBRARY LANE 145- 149 LIBRARY LANE PRELIMINARY - Continued Preliminary Review (Section 9, Block 50, Lot 6A) Discuss site plan application for 145-149 Library Lane to remove the existing building and construct a 9 unit apartment building with parking on the ground level and review submitted long-form Environmental Assessment Form. (C-2 District)
BEACH POINT CLUB - PERIMETER PERMIT 900 Rushmore Avenue-(Section 9, Block 97, Lot 2, 3,4a) Application for a new Perimeter Permit per Chapter 240-20 I.
WROBLEWSKI SUBDIVISION- PRELIMINARY REVIEW 709 Munro Avenue, (Section 9, Block 10 , Lot 64) Preliminary Review for Consistency of a proposed Subdivision for the creation of 1 new lot in the R-5 District