805, 817- 819 MAMARONECK AVENUE - SUBDIVISION& SITE PLAN Preliminary Review for Consistency of a Subdivision and Site plan for redevelopment/new construction of retail shops along Mamaroneck Avenue. The proposal seeks to combine two sites: the first site (2.23 acres) contains a vacant 25,377 square foot retail building, previously occupied by A&P supermarket. The second site (0.113 acres) contains a vacant three-story residential apartment building. These two parcels will be combined in the Subdivision (merger) process. The new building will consist of five single story retail units totaling approximately 11,975 square feet in floor area in the C-1 district. Applicant received a variance from the Board of Appeals requiring 125 parking spaces for this site, on November 3, 2016. Planning Board application for Subdivision (Lot Merger) application received January 27, 2017.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Continued discussion of the development of recommendations for the Board of Trustees regarding Village statutes relevant to HCZMC
D. PLL UPDATE Update on Proposed Local Law BB-2016 A. BOARD of TRUSTEE REFERRAL: PLL-B 2017
B. ORIENTA BEACH CLUB - Planning Board Circulation for Lead Agent 1054 Walton Avenue Site Plan (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Planning board circulation for lead agent for an application to relocate an existing platform tennis court, add an additional court, add a new Warming hut and decking and install storm water recharging system (MR District) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. ADJOURN MEETING
805, 817- 819 MAMARONECK AVENUE - SUBDIVISION& SITE PLAN Preliminary Review for Consistency of a Subdivision and Site plan for redevelopment/new construction of retail shops along Mamaroneck Avenue. The proposal seeks to combine two sites: the first site (2.23 acres) contains a vacant 25,377 square foot retail building, previously occupied by A&P supermarket. The second site (0.113 acres) contains a vacant three-story residential apartment building. These two parcels will be combined in the Subdivision (merger) process. The new building will consist of five single story retail units totaling approximately 11,975 square feet in floor area in the C-1 district. Applicant received a variance from the Board of Appeals requiring 125 parking spaces for this site, on November 3, 2016. Planning Board application for Subdivision (Lot Merger) application received January 27, 2017.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Continued discussion of the development of recommendations for the Board of Trustees regarding Village statutes relevant to HCZMC
D. PLL UPDATE Update on Proposed Local Law BB-2016 A. BOARD of TRUSTEE REFERRAL: PLL-B 2017
B. ORIENTA BEACH CLUB - Planning Board Circulation for Lead Agent 1054 Walton Avenue Site Plan (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Planning board circulation for lead agent for an application to relocate an existing platform tennis court, add an additional court, add a new Warming hut and decking and install storm water recharging system (MR District) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. ADJOURN MEETING