1. OPEN MEETING 2. OLD BUSINESS B. Retaining Open Water Relocation Sites for Dredge Material in LI Sound
A. LWRP Status Update D. Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club - Status Update The Planning Board has not yet received the requested revisions. The Commission has received the DSEIS Draft submission by the Applicant (9/1/15) and the Planning Board's completeness memo submitted to the Applicant on 10/14/15.
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan (Preliminary Discussion) Preliminary Presentation of Site Plan for construction of 6 multi-family residential units in a three story building located in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone. Application also requires infill housing in the C-1 District under 342-50.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – NY District’s consistency determination for preliminary review. for consistency with the LWRP.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Review of Draft Minutes from January 20, 2016 meeting of the HCZM Commission. 5. ADJOURN MEETING A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the HCZM Commission will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM at the Courtroom @ 169 Mount Pleasant Avenue.
1. OPEN MEETING 2. OLD BUSINESS B. Retaining Open Water Relocation Sites for Dredge Material in LI Sound
A. LWRP Status Update D. Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club - Status Update The Planning Board has not yet received the requested revisions. The Commission has received the DSEIS Draft submission by the Applicant (9/1/15) and the Planning Board's completeness memo submitted to the Applicant on 10/14/15.
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan (Preliminary Discussion) Preliminary Presentation of Site Plan for construction of 6 multi-family residential units in a three story building located in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone. Application also requires infill housing in the C-1 District under 342-50.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – NY District’s consistency determination for preliminary review. for consistency with the LWRP.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Review of Draft Minutes from January 20, 2016 meeting of the HCZM Commission. 5. ADJOURN MEETING A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the HCZM Commission will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM at the Courtroom @ 169 Mount Pleasant Avenue.