1. OPEN MEETING 2. OLD BUSINESS A. Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club - Status Update The Planning Board has reviewed the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) with their consultants and has approved a resolution that the DSEIS is incomplete and not acceptable for distribution at their 5/27/15 meeting. The Board has provided a memo to the applicant indicating comments that need to be addressed in a revised DSEIS to be submitted to the Planning Board. B. LWRP Update Report C. 532 West Boston Post Road - C-1 Continuation of a Request for a Consistency Determination for site plan for a new seven unit Townhouse Development in a C-1 General Commercial District. Each Townhouse includes a two car garage with 7 on-grade parking spaces provided.
NEW BUSINESS Hampshire Country Club - 1025 Cove Road - NOI Lead Agency - Proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) - Notice of Intent for Planning Board to serve as Lead Agency for the environmental review under SEQRA for a proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) on a portion of the Hampshire Country Club Site on Cove Road in Mamaroneck. The proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) is within the Village of Mamaroneck portion of the project site zoned R -20 (not in the MR zoned Village portion of the site, or the R-30 portion of the site in the Town of Mamaroneck). The proposed action requires a Special Permit, Subdivision, Site Plan and other approvals. A total of 105 residential units (44 single family lots and 61 attached Carriage Homes), 8 tennis courts and common open space are proposed. The existing membership club located on the MR portion of the site (clubhouse, pool and parking) will remain, but the golf course will be replaced by the proposed homes and open space. 94.5 acres of the site are located in the R-20 district of the Village of Mamaroneck; 4.4 acres are located in the MR district of the Village of Mamaroneck and 7.3 acres are located in the Town of Mamaroneck (total site in both municipalities is 106.2 acres). No development of any kind is proposed in the Town portion of the site or in the MR district in the Village.
690 Mamaroneck Avenue - Site Plan Informal Discussion on site plan for 4-story, mixed use development at the intersection of Grand Street and Mamaroneck Avenue, the site of the former Three Jalapenos restaurant. The enclosed ground floor will be used for retail (2,950 square feet) and residential entry. Floors two through four will be comprised of 21 rental apartments, including 9 1-bedroom units and 1 2-bedroom units. The property will include 33 parking spaces with 1 landscaped, land banked space. Site work will include green roof on top of commercial space, solar panels on main roof, rain gardens, permeable surfaces, and relocation of existing curb cuts. Parking spaces on the property will not be assigned. Property is in the C-1 General Commercial District and the TOD Overlay Zone.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Review of Draft Minutes for May 21, 2014, June 18, 2014, September 9, 2014, September 17, 2014 and October 15, 2014 meetings of the HCZM Commission 5. ADJOURN MEETING A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the HCZM Commission for August 19th will be canceled and a new date in August will be determined by the Commission.
1. OPEN MEETING 2. OLD BUSINESS A. Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club - Status Update The Planning Board has reviewed the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) with their consultants and has approved a resolution that the DSEIS is incomplete and not acceptable for distribution at their 5/27/15 meeting. The Board has provided a memo to the applicant indicating comments that need to be addressed in a revised DSEIS to be submitted to the Planning Board. B. LWRP Update Report C. 532 West Boston Post Road - C-1 Continuation of a Request for a Consistency Determination for site plan for a new seven unit Townhouse Development in a C-1 General Commercial District. Each Townhouse includes a two car garage with 7 on-grade parking spaces provided.
NEW BUSINESS Hampshire Country Club - 1025 Cove Road - NOI Lead Agency - Proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) - Notice of Intent for Planning Board to serve as Lead Agency for the environmental review under SEQRA for a proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) on a portion of the Hampshire Country Club Site on Cove Road in Mamaroneck. The proposed Planned Residential Development (PRD) is within the Village of Mamaroneck portion of the project site zoned R -20 (not in the MR zoned Village portion of the site, or the R-30 portion of the site in the Town of Mamaroneck). The proposed action requires a Special Permit, Subdivision, Site Plan and other approvals. A total of 105 residential units (44 single family lots and 61 attached Carriage Homes), 8 tennis courts and common open space are proposed. The existing membership club located on the MR portion of the site (clubhouse, pool and parking) will remain, but the golf course will be replaced by the proposed homes and open space. 94.5 acres of the site are located in the R-20 district of the Village of Mamaroneck; 4.4 acres are located in the MR district of the Village of Mamaroneck and 7.3 acres are located in the Town of Mamaroneck (total site in both municipalities is 106.2 acres). No development of any kind is proposed in the Town portion of the site or in the MR district in the Village.
690 Mamaroneck Avenue - Site Plan Informal Discussion on site plan for 4-story, mixed use development at the intersection of Grand Street and Mamaroneck Avenue, the site of the former Three Jalapenos restaurant. The enclosed ground floor will be used for retail (2,950 square feet) and residential entry. Floors two through four will be comprised of 21 rental apartments, including 9 1-bedroom units and 1 2-bedroom units. The property will include 33 parking spaces with 1 landscaped, land banked space. Site work will include green roof on top of commercial space, solar panels on main roof, rain gardens, permeable surfaces, and relocation of existing curb cuts. Parking spaces on the property will not be assigned. Property is in the C-1 General Commercial District and the TOD Overlay Zone.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Review of Draft Minutes for May 21, 2014, June 18, 2014, September 9, 2014, September 17, 2014 and October 15, 2014 meetings of the HCZM Commission 5. ADJOURN MEETING A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the HCZM Commission for August 19th will be canceled and a new date in August will be determined by the Commission.