Application # 31A 2019, Dominic Brescia for Cappetta Inc., 172 East Prospect Avenue, (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 21A) Application to construct a new building with 18 – one-bedroom units with parking on site. The proposed development is in violation of Chapter 342-50(B)(6) of the Village Code where the approved 18-unit development requires 2 Fair and Affordable Housing Units and the Applicant proposes 0. (C-2 District)
139 E. PROSPECT AVENUE LLC FOR PALLADIUM MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY REVIEW AND PLANNING BOARD CIRCULATION FOR LEAD AGENCY FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 51, Lot 11B) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit Approval to demolish the existing residential structure and construct a new 4 story multi- family building with 8 one bedroom units- providing 1 FHAU pursuant to Section 342-50(B) (6) of the Village code and associated parking. (C-2 District).
Application # 1SP-2017, CVS 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1), for the renewal of a special permit 1SP 2017 Granted May 4, 2017 to operate a CVS pharmacy , as per 342-30(A)1c for a continued use of tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet ( C-1 District)
Application # 4A 2020, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0'. The Applicant seeks the re- approval of the variances previously granted in a resolution adopted December 8, 2018 - 31A 2018 , as construction was not completed within 1 year from the date of the issuance of a building permit - Condition C ( C-1 District)
Application # 4SP 2020, Stephen Carty for Nonna Carola, 211 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 1A) Application for a new special permit to operate a restaurant. The Applicant seeks to modify the conditions of 14SP 2019 granted September 5, 2019 (C-2 District)
5. Application # 28A 2019, Marc Castaldi for AVC Properties, Appeal regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) Appeal of Code Enforcement Appearance Ticket dated July 24, 2019 (Docket #: 19-4346) issued for violations of Village Code sections 126-7 and 342-87 and Village Manager /Trustee determination under Village Law section 4-400(1)(d) and Village Code section 126-15(d)(R-5 District) 6. Application # 29A 2019, Marc Castaldi for AVC Properties, Appeal regarding 1019 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32.1) Appeal of Code Enforcement Appearance Ticket dated July 24, 2019 (Docket #: 19-4346) issued for violations of Village Code section 126-7 and 342-87 and Village Manager /Trustee determination under Village Law section 4-400(1)(d) and Village Code section 126-15(d) (R-5 District)
Application #15A 2018, East Coast North Properties, LLC, 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) for variances to expand the existing 40,620 sq. ft. Self-Storage Facility and add an additional 56,328 sq. ft. The proposed expansion is in violation of: Article VI, §342-38 of the Village code where the allowed building coverage is 22,078 sq. ft. and the Applicant proposes 25,834 sq. ft.; Article VI, §342-38 where the percent of lot coverage allowed is 50% and the Applicant proposes 59%; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum FAR allowed is 1.0 and the Applicant proposes 2.43; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum gross floor area allowed is 44,156 sq. ft. and the Applicant proposes 107,087 sq. ft.; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum number of stories allowed is 3 and the Applicant proposes 4; Article VI, §342-38 where the Front/Fenimore Rd. setback required is 10 ft. and the Applicant proposes 7.8 ft.; Article VIII, §342-56 where the number of required off-street parking spaces is 137 and the Applicant proposes 25; and Article VIII, §342-57 where the number of required off street loading spaces is 8 and the Applicant proposes 4. (M-1 District) Board to Discuss DEIS Completeness review memo
Application # 25A 2019, Agency Construction Corp for Urban Manpower & Supply, 526 and 530 Fayette Avenue, (Section 8, Block 93, Lot 32B & Section 8, Block 93, Lot 31) Application to construct a 3-story commercial building with associates parking. The proposed application is in violation of Chapter 342-56 of the Village Code where 26 parking spaces are required, and the Applicant proposes 16. (M-1 District) Planning Board Negative Declaration granted 1/22/2020
Application # 22SP 2019, Dan Radman for Chipotle Mexican Grill, 805, 817-819 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) Application to operate a restaurant. The Applicant is required to obtain a special permit to operate a restaurant pursuant to Village Code 342-30 , Chapter 342 Articles VII and X. (C-1 District)
3. Application # 23SP 2019, Igor Madrit for Go Green Dry Cleaners, 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) Special Permit to operate a Dry Cleaner “Drop Store” location, pursuant to Chapter 342- Article VII of the Village Code(C-1 District) E. ADJOURN MEETING
Application # 31A 2019, Dominic Brescia for Cappetta Inc., 172 East Prospect Avenue, (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 21A) Application to construct a new building with 18 – one-bedroom units with parking on site. The proposed development is in violation of Chapter 342-50(B)(6) of the Village Code where the approved 18-unit development requires 2 Fair and Affordable Housing Units and the Applicant proposes 0. (C-2 District)
139 E. PROSPECT AVENUE LLC FOR PALLADIUM MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY REVIEW AND PLANNING BOARD CIRCULATION FOR LEAD AGENCY FOR A SITE PLAN AND SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 9, Block 51, Lot 11B) Application for Site Plan and Special Permit Approval to demolish the existing residential structure and construct a new 4 story multi- family building with 8 one bedroom units- providing 1 FHAU pursuant to Section 342-50(B) (6) of the Village code and associated parking. (C-2 District).
Application # 1SP-2017, CVS 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1), for the renewal of a special permit 1SP 2017 Granted May 4, 2017 to operate a CVS pharmacy , as per 342-30(A)1c for a continued use of tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet ( C-1 District)
Application # 4A 2020, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0'. The Applicant seeks the re- approval of the variances previously granted in a resolution adopted December 8, 2018 - 31A 2018 , as construction was not completed within 1 year from the date of the issuance of a building permit - Condition C ( C-1 District)
Application # 4SP 2020, Stephen Carty for Nonna Carola, 211 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 1A) Application for a new special permit to operate a restaurant. The Applicant seeks to modify the conditions of 14SP 2019 granted September 5, 2019 (C-2 District)
5. Application # 28A 2019, Marc Castaldi for AVC Properties, Appeal regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) Appeal of Code Enforcement Appearance Ticket dated July 24, 2019 (Docket #: 19-4346) issued for violations of Village Code sections 126-7 and 342-87 and Village Manager /Trustee determination under Village Law section 4-400(1)(d) and Village Code section 126-15(d)(R-5 District) 6. Application # 29A 2019, Marc Castaldi for AVC Properties, Appeal regarding 1019 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32.1) Appeal of Code Enforcement Appearance Ticket dated July 24, 2019 (Docket #: 19-4346) issued for violations of Village Code section 126-7 and 342-87 and Village Manager /Trustee determination under Village Law section 4-400(1)(d) and Village Code section 126-15(d) (R-5 District)
Application #15A 2018, East Coast North Properties, LLC, 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) for variances to expand the existing 40,620 sq. ft. Self-Storage Facility and add an additional 56,328 sq. ft. The proposed expansion is in violation of: Article VI, §342-38 of the Village code where the allowed building coverage is 22,078 sq. ft. and the Applicant proposes 25,834 sq. ft.; Article VI, §342-38 where the percent of lot coverage allowed is 50% and the Applicant proposes 59%; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum FAR allowed is 1.0 and the Applicant proposes 2.43; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum gross floor area allowed is 44,156 sq. ft. and the Applicant proposes 107,087 sq. ft.; Article VI, §342-38 where the maximum number of stories allowed is 3 and the Applicant proposes 4; Article VI, §342-38 where the Front/Fenimore Rd. setback required is 10 ft. and the Applicant proposes 7.8 ft.; Article VIII, §342-56 where the number of required off-street parking spaces is 137 and the Applicant proposes 25; and Article VIII, §342-57 where the number of required off street loading spaces is 8 and the Applicant proposes 4. (M-1 District) Board to Discuss DEIS Completeness review memo
Application # 25A 2019, Agency Construction Corp for Urban Manpower & Supply, 526 and 530 Fayette Avenue, (Section 8, Block 93, Lot 32B & Section 8, Block 93, Lot 31) Application to construct a 3-story commercial building with associates parking. The proposed application is in violation of Chapter 342-56 of the Village Code where 26 parking spaces are required, and the Applicant proposes 16. (M-1 District) Planning Board Negative Declaration granted 1/22/2020
Application # 22SP 2019, Dan Radman for Chipotle Mexican Grill, 805, 817-819 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) Application to operate a restaurant. The Applicant is required to obtain a special permit to operate a restaurant pursuant to Village Code 342-30 , Chapter 342 Articles VII and X. (C-1 District)
3. Application # 23SP 2019, Igor Madrit for Go Green Dry Cleaners, 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) Special Permit to operate a Dry Cleaner “Drop Store” location, pursuant to Chapter 342- Article VII of the Village Code(C-1 District) E. ADJOURN MEETING