Application # 1S 2019, Mamaroneck Treats Inc. 407 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 9, Block 11, Lot 1A) for a Projecting Sign variance. The proposed canopies/ projecting signs are violation of Chapter 286-2 of the Village Code, where the maximum projection allowed is 18” and the Applicant proposes 30”. (C-2 District)
Application # 9SP 2019, David Foncello for Fortuna Food Service d/b/a Duck Donuts 805 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 69, Lot 1) for a special permit to operate a new donut shop pursuant to §342-30 A(1)(i) and § 342-42 Article X of the Village Code. (C-1 District)
Application # 1A 2019, Drew and Kathleen Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8) for a variance to construct a front yard portico and amend a previously granted rear yard variance. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 14.4' AND the proposes a 6.1' rear yard setback where the Zoning Board of Appeals previously granted a Variance to allow an 8' rear yard setback as per resolution 3A 2017 and the required rear yard setback is 25'. (R-6 District).
Application # 4A 2019, David and Shira Weinstein, 826 Walton Avenue (Section 9, Block 88, Lot 9) for a variance to expand the front entry. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum front yard setback is 25’, and the Applicant proposes 22.36’. (R- 15 District).
OTHER BUSINESS Application #15A 2018, East Coast North Properties, 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) Board to discuss Determination of Significance under SEQRA (M-1 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application # 7A 2019, Haroldo Barrios, 159 Center Avenue, (Section 8, Block 87, Lot 26) for a variance to construct a deck on the south west side of the house. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-65 where the proposed alteration increases the level of non-conformity as it relates to the lesser side yard setback where 6' is required, the applicant proposes 2.7 ' and the combined side yard setbacks where 16' is required the Applicant proposes 8.3' AND the Maximum allowed coverage is 35% and the Applicant proposes 51% (R-4F District)
Application # 1S 2019, Mamaroneck Treats Inc. 407 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 9, Block 11, Lot 1A) for a Projecting Sign variance. The proposed canopies/ projecting signs are violation of Chapter 286-2 of the Village Code, where the maximum projection allowed is 18” and the Applicant proposes 30”. (C-2 District)
Application # 9SP 2019, David Foncello for Fortuna Food Service d/b/a Duck Donuts 805 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 69, Lot 1) for a special permit to operate a new donut shop pursuant to §342-30 A(1)(i) and § 342-42 Article X of the Village Code. (C-1 District)
Application # 1A 2019, Drew and Kathleen Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8) for a variance to construct a front yard portico and amend a previously granted rear yard variance. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 14.4' AND the proposes a 6.1' rear yard setback where the Zoning Board of Appeals previously granted a Variance to allow an 8' rear yard setback as per resolution 3A 2017 and the required rear yard setback is 25'. (R-6 District).
Application # 4A 2019, David and Shira Weinstein, 826 Walton Avenue (Section 9, Block 88, Lot 9) for a variance to expand the front entry. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum front yard setback is 25’, and the Applicant proposes 22.36’. (R- 15 District).
D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES- Board to consider adoption of the November 1, 2018 minutes. E. ADJOURN MEETING
Application # 1S 2019, Mamaroneck Treats Inc. 407 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 9, Block 11, Lot 1A) for a Projecting Sign variance. The proposed canopies/ projecting signs are violation of Chapter 286-2 of the Village Code, where the maximum projection allowed is 18” and the Applicant proposes 30”. (C-2 District)
Application # 9SP 2019, David Foncello for Fortuna Food Service d/b/a Duck Donuts 805 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 69, Lot 1) for a special permit to operate a new donut shop pursuant to §342-30 A(1)(i) and § 342-42 Article X of the Village Code. (C-1 District)
Application # 1A 2019, Drew and Kathleen Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8) for a variance to construct a front yard portico and amend a previously granted rear yard variance. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 14.4' AND the proposes a 6.1' rear yard setback where the Zoning Board of Appeals previously granted a Variance to allow an 8' rear yard setback as per resolution 3A 2017 and the required rear yard setback is 25'. (R-6 District).
Application # 4A 2019, David and Shira Weinstein, 826 Walton Avenue (Section 9, Block 88, Lot 9) for a variance to expand the front entry. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum front yard setback is 25’, and the Applicant proposes 22.36’. (R- 15 District).
OTHER BUSINESS Application #15A 2018, East Coast North Properties, 416 Waverly Avenue (Section 8, Block 111, Lot 29-42) Board to discuss Determination of Significance under SEQRA (M-1 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application # 7A 2019, Haroldo Barrios, 159 Center Avenue, (Section 8, Block 87, Lot 26) for a variance to construct a deck on the south west side of the house. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-65 where the proposed alteration increases the level of non-conformity as it relates to the lesser side yard setback where 6' is required, the applicant proposes 2.7 ' and the combined side yard setbacks where 16' is required the Applicant proposes 8.3' AND the Maximum allowed coverage is 35% and the Applicant proposes 51% (R-4F District)
Application # 1S 2019, Mamaroneck Treats Inc. 407 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 9, Block 11, Lot 1A) for a Projecting Sign variance. The proposed canopies/ projecting signs are violation of Chapter 286-2 of the Village Code, where the maximum projection allowed is 18” and the Applicant proposes 30”. (C-2 District)
Application # 9SP 2019, David Foncello for Fortuna Food Service d/b/a Duck Donuts 805 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 69, Lot 1) for a special permit to operate a new donut shop pursuant to §342-30 A(1)(i) and § 342-42 Article X of the Village Code. (C-1 District)
Application # 1A 2019, Drew and Kathleen Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8) for a variance to construct a front yard portico and amend a previously granted rear yard variance. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 14.4' AND the proposes a 6.1' rear yard setback where the Zoning Board of Appeals previously granted a Variance to allow an 8' rear yard setback as per resolution 3A 2017 and the required rear yard setback is 25'. (R-6 District).
Application # 4A 2019, David and Shira Weinstein, 826 Walton Avenue (Section 9, Block 88, Lot 9) for a variance to expand the front entry. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum front yard setback is 25’, and the Applicant proposes 22.36’. (R- 15 District).
D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES- Board to consider adoption of the November 1, 2018 minutes. E. ADJOURN MEETING