Application # 37SP 2018, Anthony Russo for Parkview Station LLC, Modern on the Rails, 1 Station Plaza (Section 9, Block 2, Lot 2A1) for a special permit to operate a restaurant in an existing restaurant space. The proposed restaurant is subject to §342-45 and requires a special permit subject to Article X of the Village Code. (C- 1 District)
Application # 35SP 2018, Panaderia Y Café La Chapincita Inc. 632-640 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 82, Lot 29C) for a Special Permit to Operate a bakery, cafe, retail food establishment in an existing bakery, cafe, retail food establishment location at 640 Mamaroneck Avenue pursuant to Village Code 342- Article X. (C-2 District)
Application # 21A 2018, Nicole and Joseph Crawford, 620 Barrymore Lane (Section 4, Block 79A, Lot 3) for a variance to construct a covered porch addition, replace front door and windows. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 19.9'. (R-15 District)
Application # 27A 2018, Seamus and Elizabeth O’Rourke, 525 N Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 145) for a variance to enclose the space below a 2nd level addition and add an exterior staircase. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the maximum allowed square feet is 2,160 and the Applicant proposes 2,578 square feet and where the maximum allowed FAR is .53 and the Applicant proposes .63. (R-2F District)
Application # 31A 2018, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0' ( C-1 District)
Application #3I-2018, Terence Murphy, regarding 709 Munro Avenue (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 3) for an interpretation as to whether the Planning Board erred in adopting a resolution approving 709 Munro Avenue Subdivision granted June 27, 2018. (R-5 District)
Application # 31A 2018, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0' ( C-1 District)
Application # 27A 2018, Seamus and Elizabeth O’Rourke, 525 N Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 145) for a variance to enclose the space below a 2nd level addition and add an exterior staircase. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the maximum allowed square feet is 2,160 and the Applicant proposes 2,578 square feet and where the maximum allowed FAR is .53 and the Applicant proposes .63. (R-2F District)
A3. Application # 21A 2018, Nicole and Joseph Crawford, 620 Barrymore Lane (Section 4, Block 79A, Lot 3) for a variance to construct a covered porch addition, replace front door and windows. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 19.9'. (R-15 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING
Application # 37SP 2018, Anthony Russo for Parkview Station LLC, Modern on the Rails, 1 Station Plaza (Section 9, Block 2, Lot 2A1) for a special permit to operate a restaurant in an existing restaurant space. The proposed restaurant is subject to §342-45 and requires a special permit subject to Article X of the Village Code. (C- 1 District)
Application # 35SP 2018, Panaderia Y Café La Chapincita Inc. 632-640 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 82, Lot 29C) for a Special Permit to Operate a bakery, cafe, retail food establishment in an existing bakery, cafe, retail food establishment location at 640 Mamaroneck Avenue pursuant to Village Code 342- Article X. (C-2 District)
Application # 21A 2018, Nicole and Joseph Crawford, 620 Barrymore Lane (Section 4, Block 79A, Lot 3) for a variance to construct a covered porch addition, replace front door and windows. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 19.9'. (R-15 District)
Application # 27A 2018, Seamus and Elizabeth O’Rourke, 525 N Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 145) for a variance to enclose the space below a 2nd level addition and add an exterior staircase. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the maximum allowed square feet is 2,160 and the Applicant proposes 2,578 square feet and where the maximum allowed FAR is .53 and the Applicant proposes .63. (R-2F District)
Application # 31A 2018, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0' ( C-1 District)
Application #3I-2018, Terence Murphy, regarding 709 Munro Avenue (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 3) for an interpretation as to whether the Planning Board erred in adopting a resolution approving 709 Munro Avenue Subdivision granted June 27, 2018. (R-5 District)
Application # 31A 2018, Howard Martin for Sheldrake River Realty, 650 Van Ranst Place (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) for variances to remove the existing 1 story commercial building and construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. The proposed construction is in violation of Section 342-30.(1)(D) Transit Oriented Development Overlay District of the Village Code, where the maximum allowed building coverage is 50% and the Applicant proposes 57.65% and Section 342-30.1D.(1)(c) where the Maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio permitted is 0.6 and the Applicant proposes 1.06 and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(2) where the minimum required combined side yard setback is 20' and the Applicant proposes 0.3' and Section 342-30.1D (1)(e)(3) where the minimum lesser side yard allowed is 8' and the Applicant proposes 0.0' ( C-1 District)
Application # 27A 2018, Seamus and Elizabeth O’Rourke, 525 N Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 145) for a variance to enclose the space below a 2nd level addition and add an exterior staircase. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the maximum allowed square feet is 2,160 and the Applicant proposes 2,578 square feet and where the maximum allowed FAR is .53 and the Applicant proposes .63. (R-2F District)
A3. Application # 21A 2018, Nicole and Joseph Crawford, 620 Barrymore Lane (Section 4, Block 79A, Lot 3) for a variance to construct a covered porch addition, replace front door and windows. The proposed construction is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Schedule of Minimum requirements where the minimum required front yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 19.9'. (R-15 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING