PUBLIC HEARINGS Application #1SP 2018, Matthew Gorney for Maple And Rose, 690 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 82, Lot 1) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a restaurant with seasonal outdoor dining in a commercial space and as amended on April 12, 2018 the applicant is also seeking authorization to provide eleven (11) additional off-street parking spaces off-site within 500’ of the existing property pursuant to Article VIII, §342-54(A) of the Village Code. The proposed restaurant requires 19 off-street spaces and the applicant proposes eight (8) parking spaces on-site. (C-1 District)
Application #3SP 2018, Maya Klotsman for PFM WC-1 LLC d/b/a Orange Theory Fitness, 651 East Boston Post Road (Section 4 Block 60B, Lot 35) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed sports/fitness club requires a special permit pursuant to Village Code §342-42 and Article X. (C-1 District)
Application #10SP 2018, Nikolaos Katopodis for North Shore Farms, 805 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) for a special permit for a change in tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet pursuant to 342-30(A) 1 (c) . (C-1 District)
Application #13SP 2018, Pei Fwu Chen for 265 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 8A3) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a new restaurant in an existing restaurant space. (C-2 District)
Application #14SP 2018, Nicholas Vurchio for CKO Kickboxing, 151 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 5) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed new sport / fitness club requires a special permit as per §342-45 and Article X of the Village Code. (C-2 District)
Application #4A-2018, John LaMagna and Diane Ibelli, 519 Rushmore Avenue (Section 9, Block 76, Lot 19) for a variance to construct a side yard addition for a new kitchen. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required minimum side yard required is 15' and the Applicant proposes 6.6' and the required combined yard setback required is 35’ and the applicant proposes 6.6. (R-15 District)
Application #10A-2018,Frank and Rona Calogero, 307 Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 30, Lot 23) for a variance to construct a rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 18'. (R-5 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application #8A-2018, Charles and Lisa Reisman, 329 Stanley Avenue (Section 9, Block 9, Lot 18) for a variance to construct additions and rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the combined side yard setback required is 14' and the Applicant proposes 13.3’ and the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 21.4’. (R-5 District)
Application #10SP 2018, Nikolaos Katopodis for North Shore Farms, 805 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) for a special permit for a change in tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet pursuant to 342-30(A) 1 (c) . (C-1 District)
Application #13SP 2018, Pei Fwu Chen for 265 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 8A3) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a new restaurant in an existing restaurant space. (C-2 District)
Application #14SP 2018, Nicholas Vurchio for CKO Kickboxing, 151 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 5) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed new sport / fitness club requires a special permit as per §342-45 and Article X of the Village Code. (C-2 District)
Application #10A-2018,Frank and Rona Calogero, 307 Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 30, Lot 23) for a variance to construct a rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 18'. (R-5 District)
2. Application #7I-2017, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-1237 issued on 10/18/17. (R-20 District) 3. Application #1I-2018, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of fence permit #17-1396 issued on 11/21/17. (R-20 District)
A2. Application #3SP 2018, Maya Klotsman for PFM WC-1 LLC d/b/a Orange Theory Fitness, 651 East Boston Post Road (Section 4 Block 60B, Lot 35) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed sports/fitness club requires a special permit pursuant to Village Code §342-42 and Article X. (C-1 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING
PUBLIC HEARINGS Application #1SP 2018, Matthew Gorney for Maple And Rose, 690 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 82, Lot 1) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a restaurant with seasonal outdoor dining in a commercial space and as amended on April 12, 2018 the applicant is also seeking authorization to provide eleven (11) additional off-street parking spaces off-site within 500’ of the existing property pursuant to Article VIII, §342-54(A) of the Village Code. The proposed restaurant requires 19 off-street spaces and the applicant proposes eight (8) parking spaces on-site. (C-1 District)
Application #3SP 2018, Maya Klotsman for PFM WC-1 LLC d/b/a Orange Theory Fitness, 651 East Boston Post Road (Section 4 Block 60B, Lot 35) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed sports/fitness club requires a special permit pursuant to Village Code §342-42 and Article X. (C-1 District)
Application #10SP 2018, Nikolaos Katopodis for North Shore Farms, 805 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) for a special permit for a change in tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet pursuant to 342-30(A) 1 (c) . (C-1 District)
Application #13SP 2018, Pei Fwu Chen for 265 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 8A3) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a new restaurant in an existing restaurant space. (C-2 District)
Application #14SP 2018, Nicholas Vurchio for CKO Kickboxing, 151 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 5) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed new sport / fitness club requires a special permit as per §342-45 and Article X of the Village Code. (C-2 District)
Application #4A-2018, John LaMagna and Diane Ibelli, 519 Rushmore Avenue (Section 9, Block 76, Lot 19) for a variance to construct a side yard addition for a new kitchen. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required minimum side yard required is 15' and the Applicant proposes 6.6' and the required combined yard setback required is 35’ and the applicant proposes 6.6. (R-15 District)
Application #10A-2018,Frank and Rona Calogero, 307 Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 30, Lot 23) for a variance to construct a rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 18'. (R-5 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application #8A-2018, Charles and Lisa Reisman, 329 Stanley Avenue (Section 9, Block 9, Lot 18) for a variance to construct additions and rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the combined side yard setback required is 14' and the Applicant proposes 13.3’ and the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 21.4’. (R-5 District)
Application #10SP 2018, Nikolaos Katopodis for North Shore Farms, 805 Mamaroneck Ave (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1) for a special permit for a change in tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet pursuant to 342-30(A) 1 (c) . (C-1 District)
Application #13SP 2018, Pei Fwu Chen for 265 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 8A3) for a special permit per 342-45 and Article X of the Village Code to operate a new restaurant in an existing restaurant space. (C-2 District)
Application #14SP 2018, Nicholas Vurchio for CKO Kickboxing, 151 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 12, Lot 5) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed new sport / fitness club requires a special permit as per §342-45 and Article X of the Village Code. (C-2 District)
Application #10A-2018,Frank and Rona Calogero, 307 Wagner Avenue (Section 4, Block 30, Lot 23) for a variance to construct a rear deck. The proposed construction is in violation of §342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements, where the required rear yard setback is 25' and the Applicant proposes 18'. (R-5 District)
2. Application #7I-2017, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-1237 issued on 10/18/17. (R-20 District) 3. Application #1I-2018, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of fence permit #17-1396 issued on 11/21/17. (R-20 District)
A2. Application #3SP 2018, Maya Klotsman for PFM WC-1 LLC d/b/a Orange Theory Fitness, 651 East Boston Post Road (Section 4 Block 60B, Lot 35) for a special permit to operate a new sports/fitness club. The proposed sports/fitness club requires a special permit pursuant to Village Code §342-42 and Article X. (C-1 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING