*This meeting was joined in progress* 7. Application #7I-2017, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-1237 issued on 10/18/17. (R-20 District) 8. Application #1I-2018, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Fence permit #17-1396 issued on 11/21/17. (R-20 District)
1. Application #4I-2017, Donat, Lividini & Colaneri, regarding 1017 Grove Street (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-0429 issued on 4/24/17 for installation of a fence. APPEAL AMENDED 08/17/17 to include - Appeal of Certificate of Compliance #17-0429 issued on 6/22/17, Building Permit #17-0833 issued on 7/27/17 and Building Permit #17-0838 issued on 7/28/17. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 11/06/17 to include- Appeal of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy #16-0310 issued on 10/14/17 due to expire 1/14/18. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 2/1/18 to include- Appeal of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy #16-0310 issued on 10/14/17 due to expire 2/14/18 and Certificate of Compliance #17-0838 issued on 12/1/17.(R-5 District) 2. Application #5I-2017, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1019 Grove Street (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32.1) for an appeal of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0307 issued on 7/28/17, Building Permit #17-0831 issued on 7/27/17, and Building Permit #17-0840 issued on 7/28/17. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 2/1/18 to include Certificate of Compliance # 17-0831 issued on 12/1/17.(R-5 District)
Application #26A-2017, Devon and Donna Gamble, 325 West Street (Section 4, Block 46, Lot 1) for a variance to construct a second story addition over the existing family room. The proposed addition is in violation of Section 342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements note 4, where the following minimum distances shall be observed between buildings on the same lot: a distance equal to the average height of such buildings at the points where such buildings are nearest each other. The required distance is 18'9" and applicants propose 4'6". (R-5 District)
Application #27A-2017, Rye Neck Realty LLC, 1621 Harrison Avenue (Section 4, Block 65 Lot 9A) for a variance to expand the Miller Clark Animal Hospital, a nonconforming use. The proposed expansion is in violation of Village Code §342-64A –‘Nonconforming Use of Buildings’ where: A building or structure the use of which does not conform to the use regulations for the district in which it is situated shall not be altered, enlarged or extended, unless the use therein is changed to a conforming use. (O-1/R-6 District)
Application #1A-2018, Anthony Donofrio, 1010 Halstead Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 128A) for a variance to construct additions to a four unit dwelling, a nonconforming use. The applicant proposes to construct a 1 story addition over an existing crawl space, a 1 story addition over an existing basement bedroom and a portico over the garage entrance. The proposed additions are in violation of Village Code §342-64A ‘Nonconforming Use of Buildings’ where: A building or structure the use of which does not conform to the use regulations for the district in which it is situated shall not be altered, enlarged or extended, unless the use therein is changed to a conforming use. (R-2F District)
Application #2A-2018, Cappetta, Inc., 172 East Prospect Avenue (Section 9 Block 19, Lot 21A) for variances to construct a 5 story residential building with 18 lofts and on-site parking. The proposed construction is in violation of §342 Attachment 3 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the maximum allowed FAR is 20,000 square feet and the applicant proposes 22,671 square feet and the maximum number of stories allowed in the C-2 District is 4 and the applicant proposes 5 stories.(C-2 District)
Application # 25A & 7SP-2017, Luigi Fata for Café Dolce, 270-272 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 31, Lot 24) for a special permit to operate an existing pastry shop with cafe and for a variance when the application is in violation of Zoning Code §342-45 where ‘’in a C-2 District, no fast food restaurant, carry-out restaurant or delicatessen shall be permitted on Mamaroneck Avenue closer than 200 linear feet to another existing fast-food restaurant, carry-out restaurant or delicatessen on the same side of the avenue” . (C-2 District)
Application #20A-2017 Theresa Gutarra, 749 Jefferson Ave,(Section 4, Block 15A, Lot 4) for a variance for a deck and sunroom previously built without a building permit and construction of a deck over an existing structure. The proposed application is in violation of Zoning Code §342-27 - Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required minimum rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant provides 21.3’. (R-5 District)
Application #24A-2017, Mark Wachsberg & Leonora Shalet, 325 Prospect Avenue (Section 9, Block 29, Lot 16) for a variance to renovate the existing house, build a 40 s.f. kitchen addition and a 450 s.f. garage addition with a roof deck and driveway relocation. The proposed additions are in violation of Zoning Code §342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the allowable maximum FAR is 0.368, the existing FAR is 0.410 and the applicant will provide 0.455. (R-5 District)
Application #6I-2017, Stuart Tiekert, regarding 440 Beach Avenue (Section 4, Block 26, Lot 12) for an appeal of Certificate of Occupancy #15-0471 issued on 7/7/17 (R-5 District.
*This meeting was joined in progress* 7. Application #7I-2017, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-1237 issued on 10/18/17. (R-20 District) 8. Application #1I-2018, Sean & Susan McCance, regarding 8 Oak Lane (Section 9, Block 92, Lot 8) for an appeal of Fence permit #17-1396 issued on 11/21/17. (R-20 District)
1. Application #4I-2017, Donat, Lividini & Colaneri, regarding 1017 Grove Street (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of Building Permit #17-0429 issued on 4/24/17 for installation of a fence. APPEAL AMENDED 08/17/17 to include - Appeal of Certificate of Compliance #17-0429 issued on 6/22/17, Building Permit #17-0833 issued on 7/27/17 and Building Permit #17-0838 issued on 7/28/17. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 11/06/17 to include- Appeal of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy #16-0310 issued on 10/14/17 due to expire 1/14/18. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 2/1/18 to include- Appeal of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy #16-0310 issued on 10/14/17 due to expire 2/14/18 and Certificate of Compliance #17-0838 issued on 12/1/17.(R-5 District) 2. Application #5I-2017, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1019 Grove Street (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32.1) for an appeal of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0307 issued on 7/28/17, Building Permit #17-0831 issued on 7/27/17, and Building Permit #17-0840 issued on 7/28/17. APPEAL FURTHER AMENDED 2/1/18 to include Certificate of Compliance # 17-0831 issued on 12/1/17.(R-5 District)
Application #26A-2017, Devon and Donna Gamble, 325 West Street (Section 4, Block 46, Lot 1) for a variance to construct a second story addition over the existing family room. The proposed addition is in violation of Section 342-27 attachment 2, Schedule of Minimum Requirements note 4, where the following minimum distances shall be observed between buildings on the same lot: a distance equal to the average height of such buildings at the points where such buildings are nearest each other. The required distance is 18'9" and applicants propose 4'6". (R-5 District)
Application #27A-2017, Rye Neck Realty LLC, 1621 Harrison Avenue (Section 4, Block 65 Lot 9A) for a variance to expand the Miller Clark Animal Hospital, a nonconforming use. The proposed expansion is in violation of Village Code §342-64A –‘Nonconforming Use of Buildings’ where: A building or structure the use of which does not conform to the use regulations for the district in which it is situated shall not be altered, enlarged or extended, unless the use therein is changed to a conforming use. (O-1/R-6 District)
Application #1A-2018, Anthony Donofrio, 1010 Halstead Avenue (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 128A) for a variance to construct additions to a four unit dwelling, a nonconforming use. The applicant proposes to construct a 1 story addition over an existing crawl space, a 1 story addition over an existing basement bedroom and a portico over the garage entrance. The proposed additions are in violation of Village Code §342-64A ‘Nonconforming Use of Buildings’ where: A building or structure the use of which does not conform to the use regulations for the district in which it is situated shall not be altered, enlarged or extended, unless the use therein is changed to a conforming use. (R-2F District)
Application #2A-2018, Cappetta, Inc., 172 East Prospect Avenue (Section 9 Block 19, Lot 21A) for variances to construct a 5 story residential building with 18 lofts and on-site parking. The proposed construction is in violation of §342 Attachment 3 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the maximum allowed FAR is 20,000 square feet and the applicant proposes 22,671 square feet and the maximum number of stories allowed in the C-2 District is 4 and the applicant proposes 5 stories.(C-2 District)
Application # 25A & 7SP-2017, Luigi Fata for Café Dolce, 270-272 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 31, Lot 24) for a special permit to operate an existing pastry shop with cafe and for a variance when the application is in violation of Zoning Code §342-45 where ‘’in a C-2 District, no fast food restaurant, carry-out restaurant or delicatessen shall be permitted on Mamaroneck Avenue closer than 200 linear feet to another existing fast-food restaurant, carry-out restaurant or delicatessen on the same side of the avenue” . (C-2 District)
Application #20A-2017 Theresa Gutarra, 749 Jefferson Ave,(Section 4, Block 15A, Lot 4) for a variance for a deck and sunroom previously built without a building permit and construction of a deck over an existing structure. The proposed application is in violation of Zoning Code §342-27 - Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required minimum rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant provides 21.3’. (R-5 District)
Application #24A-2017, Mark Wachsberg & Leonora Shalet, 325 Prospect Avenue (Section 9, Block 29, Lot 16) for a variance to renovate the existing house, build a 40 s.f. kitchen addition and a 450 s.f. garage addition with a roof deck and driveway relocation. The proposed additions are in violation of Zoning Code §342-27 Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the allowable maximum FAR is 0.368, the existing FAR is 0.410 and the applicant will provide 0.455. (R-5 District)
Application #6I-2017, Stuart Tiekert, regarding 440 Beach Avenue (Section 4, Block 26, Lot 12) for an appeal of Certificate of Occupancy #15-0471 issued on 7/7/17 (R-5 District.