**Due to technical difficulties this meeting was joined in progress** WORK SESSION - Linda Whitehead will be present to discuss Zoning Code Review for clarifications and inconsistencies.
Application# 1A-2017 David & Diane Nelson 422 Rushmore Avenue ( Section 9 Block 67 Lot 79A) for an area variance to install a central air conditioning system where a compressor is installed in the side yard. The installation violates Chapter 342- 27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required lesser side yard is 15' and the required combined is 35' - the existing lesser side yard is 4.95' and the combined is 19.15' (pre-installation)- and the lesser side yard is 2.65’ and 16.85’ combined (with the installation). (R-15 District)
4. Application 4A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals, LLC FOR 201 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64, Lot 29B) for area variances to allow four air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and two on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 1 and 8' for unit 2 on the west side, and on the east, for side yard setbacks for units 3 & 4 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 3’ 8’’ for unit 3 and 5'2" for unit 4 (R-4F District) 5. Application 5A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals FOR 203 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64 Lot 29A) For area variances to allow three air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and one on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10 ' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 3, and 8' 2" for unit 4 on the east side, and on the west, for the side yard setback for unit 2 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 5’ 2". (No variance required for unit 1). (R-4F District)
PUBLIC HEARINGS Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 - Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non-Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts)
Application 1i-2017, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road (Ralph’s Italian Ices), (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of Building Inspector determinations on December 14, 2016 that no new variances are required and on January 4, 2017 that tables and chairs do not constitute a structure and can be moved at any time.(C-1 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application #3A-2017, Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive, (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8), for an area variance to construct a two story addition to a single family home. The proposed location of this two story addition violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant proposes 8'. (R-6 District).
Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 - Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non-Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts)
Application# 1A-2017 David & Diane Nelson 422 Rushmore Avenue ( Section 9 Block 67 Lot 79A) for an area variance to install a central air conditioning system where a compressor is installed in the side yard. The installation violates Chapter 342- 27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required lesser side yard is 15' and the required combined is 35' - the existing lesser side yard is 4.95' and the combined is 19.15' (pre-installation)- and the lesser side yard is 2.65’ and 16.85’ combined (with the installation). (R-15 District)
Items A4 & A5 (Part 2 of 2), & D
4. Application 4A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals, LLC FOR 201 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64, Lot 29B) for area variances to allow four air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and two on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 1 and 8' for unit 2 on the west side, and on the east, for side yard setbacks for units 3 & 4 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 3’ 8’’ for unit 3 and 5'2" for unit 4 (R-4F District) 5. Application 5A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals FOR 203 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64 Lot 29A) For area variances to allow three air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and one on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10 ' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 3, and 8' 2" for unit 4 on the east side, and on the west, for the side yard setback for unit 2 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 5’ 2". (No variance required for unit 1). (R-4F District) D. ADJOURN MEETING
**Due to technical difficulties this meeting was joined in progress** WORK SESSION - Linda Whitehead will be present to discuss Zoning Code Review for clarifications and inconsistencies.
Application# 1A-2017 David & Diane Nelson 422 Rushmore Avenue ( Section 9 Block 67 Lot 79A) for an area variance to install a central air conditioning system where a compressor is installed in the side yard. The installation violates Chapter 342- 27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required lesser side yard is 15' and the required combined is 35' - the existing lesser side yard is 4.95' and the combined is 19.15' (pre-installation)- and the lesser side yard is 2.65’ and 16.85’ combined (with the installation). (R-15 District)
4. Application 4A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals, LLC FOR 201 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64, Lot 29B) for area variances to allow four air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and two on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 1 and 8' for unit 2 on the west side, and on the east, for side yard setbacks for units 3 & 4 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 3’ 8’’ for unit 3 and 5'2" for unit 4 (R-4F District) 5. Application 5A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals FOR 203 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64 Lot 29A) For area variances to allow three air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and one on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10 ' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 3, and 8' 2" for unit 4 on the east side, and on the west, for the side yard setback for unit 2 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 5’ 2". (No variance required for unit 1). (R-4F District)
PUBLIC HEARINGS Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 - Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non-Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts)
Application 1i-2017, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road (Ralph’s Italian Ices), (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of Building Inspector determinations on December 14, 2016 that no new variances are required and on January 4, 2017 that tables and chairs do not constitute a structure and can be moved at any time.(C-1 District)
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application #3A-2017, Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive, (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8), for an area variance to construct a two story addition to a single family home. The proposed location of this two story addition violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant proposes 8'. (R-6 District).
Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 - Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non-Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts)
Application# 1A-2017 David & Diane Nelson 422 Rushmore Avenue ( Section 9 Block 67 Lot 79A) for an area variance to install a central air conditioning system where a compressor is installed in the side yard. The installation violates Chapter 342- 27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required lesser side yard is 15' and the required combined is 35' - the existing lesser side yard is 4.95' and the combined is 19.15' (pre-installation)- and the lesser side yard is 2.65’ and 16.85’ combined (with the installation). (R-15 District)
Items A4 & A5 (Part 2 of 2), & D
4. Application 4A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals, LLC FOR 201 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64, Lot 29B) for area variances to allow four air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and two on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 1 and 8' for unit 2 on the west side, and on the east, for side yard setbacks for units 3 & 4 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 3’ 8’’ for unit 3 and 5'2" for unit 4 (R-4F District) 5. Application 5A-2017 201 Grand Street Rentals FOR 203 Grand Street (Village Section 8, Block 64 Lot 29A) For area variances to allow three air compressors to be installed, two on the east side and one on the west side of the structure. The proposed compressor locations violate Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard is 10 ' and the applicant proposes 6' 8" for unit 3, and 8' 2" for unit 4 on the east side, and on the west, for the side yard setback for unit 2 where 6' is required and the applicant proposes 5’ 2". (No variance required for unit 1). (R-4F District) D. ADJOURN MEETING