PUBLIC HEARINGS Application # 1SP-2017, CVS 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1), for a special permit to operate a CVS /Pharmacy, as per 342-30(A)1c for a change of tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet (C-1 District)
Application #3A-2017, Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive, (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8), for an area variance to construct a two story addition to a single family home. The proposed location of this two story addition violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant proposes 8'. (R-6 District).
Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road, (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 -Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts).
OTHER BUSINESS BOARD OF TRUSTEE REFERRAL Board to discuss proposed amendments to PLL-BB 2016
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application # 5SP-2016, Mamaroneck Ices, Inc.(Ralph’s Italian Ices), 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1), for a special permit to operate a food service establishment/ fast food restaurant and for variance of Chapter 342-45 where ‘No food service establishment or tavern shall provide outdoor counter, drivein or curb service, but it may provide service at tables on a porch or terrace where this is incident and clearly subordinate to the operation conducted within the main building,’ and the applicant proposes outdoor counter service. (C-1 District)
Application #12A-2016, Danny Singh, 636 Hillside Avenue, (Section 4, Block 2, Lot 1B) for an area variance. The 3rd story addition is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Attachment 2 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the maximum number of stories permitted is 2 1/2 and the applicant has already constructed 3rd story without a building permit. (R-2F District)
PUBLIC HEARINGS Application # 1SP-2017, CVS 805 Mamaroneck Avenue, (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1), for a special permit to operate a CVS /Pharmacy, as per 342-30(A)1c for a change of tenant in a retail space greater than 3,000 square feet (C-1 District)
Application #3A-2017, Gallaher, 156 Saxon Drive, (Section 8, Block 1C, Lot 8), for an area variance to construct a two story addition to a single family home. The proposed location of this two story addition violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required rear yard setback is 25' and the applicant proposes 8'. (R-6 District).
Application #1SP-2014, Hampshire Club, Inc., 1025 Cove Road, (Section 9, Block 72, Lots 1,2,3,11,17B,17C,18D,24,25,28 & 29- Section 9., Block 89B, Lots 15 & 16 -Section 9, Block 89C, Lots 22A & 23 -Section 9, Block 89D, Lots 24,25, 26,27& 28) for renewal of a special permit for Non Member Events ( MR and R-20 Districts).
OTHER BUSINESS BOARD OF TRUSTEE REFERRAL Board to discuss proposed amendments to PLL-BB 2016
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Application # 5SP-2016, Mamaroneck Ices, Inc.(Ralph’s Italian Ices), 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1), for a special permit to operate a food service establishment/ fast food restaurant and for variance of Chapter 342-45 where ‘No food service establishment or tavern shall provide outdoor counter, drivein or curb service, but it may provide service at tables on a porch or terrace where this is incident and clearly subordinate to the operation conducted within the main building,’ and the applicant proposes outdoor counter service. (C-1 District)
Application #12A-2016, Danny Singh, 636 Hillside Avenue, (Section 4, Block 2, Lot 1B) for an area variance. The 3rd story addition is in violation of Chapter 342-27 Attachment 2 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the maximum number of stories permitted is 2 1/2 and the applicant has already constructed 3rd story without a building permit. (R-2F District)