PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Application # 8A-2016, Brian and Diana Reilly, 133 Wagner Avenue, (Section 4, Block 51 Lot 48), for an area variance to repave and expand an existing driveway, sidewalk and curb. The proposed expansion of paving violates Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard and rear lot-line setbacks for one and two family dwellings will be five feet and the applicants propose 2 feet (R-5 District).
Application #10A-2016, Joe Gironda & Vito Gironda, 126 Jensen Avenue, (Section 4, Block, 31, Lot 68) for area variances to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for Building Permit # 14505 issued April 23, 1973 to construct a two car garage for a two family home. On December 7, 1972, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance to allow an 8 foot side yard setback for the garage. The as-built survey dated June 2, 2016 confirms side yard setbacks of 7.5 feet at the front of the garage and 7.7 feet at the rear of the garage, which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required side yard setback is 8 feet. (R-5 District)
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
Application 2i-2016, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0295 dated May 11, 2016 for Ralph’s Italian Ices and seeking the revocation of said Certificate of Occupancy (C-1 District).
Application #1UV-2016, Arlene Keel & Sharon Newman, 1024 Keeler Avenue, (Section 4, Block 31, Lot 170A) for a use variance to allow a mixed use (commercial and residential) at the premises. A delicatessen was previously operated at the premises. This Application violates Chapter 342-64 C. 'Non-conforming use of buildings' in which “any nonconforming use of a building ceases for any reason for a continuous period of more than six months or is changed to a conforming use or if the building in or on which such use is conducted or maintained is moved for any distance whatever, for any reason, any future use of such building shall conform and be subject to the prevailing standards specified by this chapter for the district in which such building is located” and this business was closed for more than six months. (R- 5 District)
Adjourned Application #2I-2015, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of the Planning Board final plat approval for the proposed 3 lot subdivision dated May 27, 2015 and as amended, for an appeal of the Building Inspector’s Memo of Review and Zoning Compliance dated February 2, 2016. (R-5 District)
Application #10A-2016, Joe Gironda & Vito Gironda, 126 Jensen Avenue, (Section 4, Block, 31, Lot 68) for area variances to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for Building Permit # 14505 issued April 23, 1973 to construct a two car garage for a two family home. On December 7, 1972, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance to allow an 8 foot side yard setback for the garage. The as-built survey dated June 2, 2016 confirms side yard setbacks of 7.5 feet at the front of the garage and 7.7 feet at the rear of the garage, which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required side yard setback is 8 feet. (R-5 District)
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
Application 2i-2016, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0295 dated May 11, 2016 for Ralph’s Italian Ices and seeking the revocation of said Certificate of Occupancy (C-1 District).
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Application # 8A-2016, Brian and Diana Reilly, 133 Wagner Avenue, (Section 4, Block 51 Lot 48), for an area variance to repave and expand an existing driveway, sidewalk and curb. The proposed expansion of paving violates Article VIII section 342-54 B (1) of the Village Zoning Code where the required side yard and rear lot-line setbacks for one and two family dwellings will be five feet and the applicants propose 2 feet (R-5 District).
Application #10A-2016, Joe Gironda & Vito Gironda, 126 Jensen Avenue, (Section 4, Block, 31, Lot 68) for area variances to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for Building Permit # 14505 issued April 23, 1973 to construct a two car garage for a two family home. On December 7, 1972, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance to allow an 8 foot side yard setback for the garage. The as-built survey dated June 2, 2016 confirms side yard setbacks of 7.5 feet at the front of the garage and 7.7 feet at the rear of the garage, which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required side yard setback is 8 feet. (R-5 District)
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
Application 2i-2016, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0295 dated May 11, 2016 for Ralph’s Italian Ices and seeking the revocation of said Certificate of Occupancy (C-1 District).
Application #1UV-2016, Arlene Keel & Sharon Newman, 1024 Keeler Avenue, (Section 4, Block 31, Lot 170A) for a use variance to allow a mixed use (commercial and residential) at the premises. A delicatessen was previously operated at the premises. This Application violates Chapter 342-64 C. 'Non-conforming use of buildings' in which “any nonconforming use of a building ceases for any reason for a continuous period of more than six months or is changed to a conforming use or if the building in or on which such use is conducted or maintained is moved for any distance whatever, for any reason, any future use of such building shall conform and be subject to the prevailing standards specified by this chapter for the district in which such building is located” and this business was closed for more than six months. (R- 5 District)
Adjourned Application #2I-2015, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of the Planning Board final plat approval for the proposed 3 lot subdivision dated May 27, 2015 and as amended, for an appeal of the Building Inspector’s Memo of Review and Zoning Compliance dated February 2, 2016. (R-5 District)
Application #10A-2016, Joe Gironda & Vito Gironda, 126 Jensen Avenue, (Section 4, Block, 31, Lot 68) for area variances to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for Building Permit # 14505 issued April 23, 1973 to construct a two car garage for a two family home. On December 7, 1972, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance to allow an 8 foot side yard setback for the garage. The as-built survey dated June 2, 2016 confirms side yard setbacks of 7.5 feet at the front of the garage and 7.7 feet at the rear of the garage, which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the required side yard setback is 8 feet. (R-5 District)
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
Application 2i-2016, Stephanie Figliomeni, et al., regarding 946 East Boston Post Road, (Section 4, Block 63 Lot 1) for appeal of the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy #16-0295 dated May 11, 2016 for Ralph’s Italian Ices and seeking the revocation of said Certificate of Occupancy (C-1 District).