PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Application # 4A-2016, David & Carla Henderson, 925 Sylvan Lane (Section 9, Block 70, Lot 19) for two area variances for the proposed installation of air conditioner compressors which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required side yard setback is 20' and the applicant proposes 13' 6" and the minimum required lesser side yard setback is15' and the applicant proposes 8' 6" (R-15 District).
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Adjourned Application #2I-2015, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of the Planning Board final plat approval for the proposed 3 lot subdivision dated May 27, 2015 and as amended, for an appeal of the Building Inspector’s Memo of Review and Zoning Compliance dated February 2, 2016. (R-5 District)
2. Application #1UV-2016, Arlene Keel & Sharon Newman, 1024 Keeler Avenue, (Section 4, Block 31, Lot 170A) for a use variance to allow a mixed use (commercial and residential) at the premises. A delicatessen was previously operated at the premises. This Application violates Chapter 342-64 C. 'Non-conforming use of buildings' in which “any nonconforming use of a building ceases for any reason for a continuous period of more than six months or is changed to a conforming use or if the building in or on which such use is conducted or maintained is moved for any distance whatever, for any reason, any future use of such building shall conform and be subject to the prevailing standards specified by this chapter for the district in which such building is located” and this business was closed for more than six months. (R-5 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Application # 4A-2016, David & Carla Henderson, 925 Sylvan Lane (Section 9, Block 70, Lot 19) for two area variances for the proposed installation of air conditioner compressors which violates Chapter 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the minimum required side yard setback is 20' and the applicant proposes 13' 6" and the minimum required lesser side yard setback is15' and the applicant proposes 8' 6" (R-15 District).
Application #1I-2016, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for appeal of the issuance of three (3) building permits: Building Permit # 16-0303 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#1, Building Permit # 16-0307 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#2, and Building Permit # 16-0310 for the construction of a new one family dwelling on lot#3 and seeking the revocation of said Building Permits (R-5 District).
CLOSED APPLICATIONS Adjourned Application #2I-2015, Jocelyn Donat, regarding 1017 Grove Street, (Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32) for an appeal of the Planning Board final plat approval for the proposed 3 lot subdivision dated May 27, 2015 and as amended, for an appeal of the Building Inspector’s Memo of Review and Zoning Compliance dated February 2, 2016. (R-5 District)
2. Application #1UV-2016, Arlene Keel & Sharon Newman, 1024 Keeler Avenue, (Section 4, Block 31, Lot 170A) for a use variance to allow a mixed use (commercial and residential) at the premises. A delicatessen was previously operated at the premises. This Application violates Chapter 342-64 C. 'Non-conforming use of buildings' in which “any nonconforming use of a building ceases for any reason for a continuous period of more than six months or is changed to a conforming use or if the building in or on which such use is conducted or maintained is moved for any distance whatever, for any reason, any future use of such building shall conform and be subject to the prevailing standards specified by this chapter for the district in which such building is located” and this business was closed for more than six months. (R-5 District) C. ADJOURN MEETING