APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The Planning Board will review the minutes from the following meetings: May 12, 2021 April 28, 2021 April 14, 2021 March 24, 2021
SITE PLAN REVIEW A. 275 Mamaroneck Avenue - (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 9A3) Located in the C-2 Zoning District - Site Development Plan Application *** The Applicant, The Life Church, proposes to renovate an existing vacant retail building located at 275 Mamaroneck Avenue to create a new church to include an auditorium, kids’ rooms, lobby space, and restrooms. The building will remain as a one-story building with a partial basement. No exterior renovations are proposed. The existing building drainage system connection to the municipal stormwater system will be maintained. There is a 10-foot-wide walkway easement to the Village of Mamaroneck on the south side of 275 Mamaroneck Avenue. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - May 19, 2021
124 Palmer Avenue - (Village Section 9, Block 31, Lots 14A) Located in the C-2 Zoning District *** Applicant proposes to change the use of an existing 19,121 square foot building previously used as a gym to an “office” use for an online sports cards marketplace. The application requires Planning Board Site Plan Approval per 345-75.B of the Village Code. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240, Section 5 of the Village Code. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - May 19, 2021
PUBLIC HEARINGS 652 Shore Acres Drive (Village Section 4, Block 67, Lot 5B) and (Town Section 159.59, Block 1, Lot 5) Located in the R-10 Zoning District. *** Description: The Applicant proposes to construct a new accessory residential pool, second story addition to the existing garage and kitchen/family room, pool stairs, spa, and pool cabana. The proposed project would remove an existing patio and impervious deck from the wetland buffer, and would install a pervious replacement deck. New stormwater management infrastructure and wetland buffer plantings are also proposed. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. SEQRA Determination: This action is classified as a “Type II” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.5(c)(11); ending the SEQRA process. Planning Board Opened Public Hearing – September 9, 2020 HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - April 13, 2021
B. Orienta Beach Club - 1025 Rushmore Avenue - (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Located in the MR Zoning District - Site Development Plan Application *** The applicant seeks to construct a new roof-covered upper terrace over the existing lower terrace along the South-East side of the main club house, renovate the existing lower terrace and service bar, and relocate the existing walks and steps, new landscaping at lower terrace, and new stormwater system for the upper and lower terrace impervious surfaces. The application requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - April 21, 2021 6. ADJOURN MEETING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The Planning Board will review the minutes from the following meetings: May 12, 2021 April 28, 2021 April 14, 2021 March 24, 2021
SITE PLAN REVIEW A. 275 Mamaroneck Avenue - (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 9A3) Located in the C-2 Zoning District - Site Development Plan Application *** The Applicant, The Life Church, proposes to renovate an existing vacant retail building located at 275 Mamaroneck Avenue to create a new church to include an auditorium, kids’ rooms, lobby space, and restrooms. The building will remain as a one-story building with a partial basement. No exterior renovations are proposed. The existing building drainage system connection to the municipal stormwater system will be maintained. There is a 10-foot-wide walkway easement to the Village of Mamaroneck on the south side of 275 Mamaroneck Avenue. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - May 19, 2021
124 Palmer Avenue - (Village Section 9, Block 31, Lots 14A) Located in the C-2 Zoning District *** Applicant proposes to change the use of an existing 19,121 square foot building previously used as a gym to an “office” use for an online sports cards marketplace. The application requires Planning Board Site Plan Approval per 345-75.B of the Village Code. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240, Section 5 of the Village Code. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - May 19, 2021
PUBLIC HEARINGS 652 Shore Acres Drive (Village Section 4, Block 67, Lot 5B) and (Town Section 159.59, Block 1, Lot 5) Located in the R-10 Zoning District. *** Description: The Applicant proposes to construct a new accessory residential pool, second story addition to the existing garage and kitchen/family room, pool stairs, spa, and pool cabana. The proposed project would remove an existing patio and impervious deck from the wetland buffer, and would install a pervious replacement deck. New stormwater management infrastructure and wetland buffer plantings are also proposed. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. SEQRA Determination: This action is classified as a “Type II” action in accordance with 6CRR-NY 617.5(c)(11); ending the SEQRA process. Planning Board Opened Public Hearing – September 9, 2020 HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - April 13, 2021
B. Orienta Beach Club - 1025 Rushmore Avenue - (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Located in the MR Zoning District - Site Development Plan Application *** The applicant seeks to construct a new roof-covered upper terrace over the existing lower terrace along the South-East side of the main club house, renovate the existing lower terrace and service bar, and relocate the existing walks and steps, new landscaping at lower terrace, and new stormwater system for the upper and lower terrace impervious surfaces. The application requires site plan review and wetlands permit review by the Planning Board. This action requires consistency review with the Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Village Code. HCZMC Consistency approval obtained - April 21, 2021 6. ADJOURN MEETING