SITE PLAN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING A. 355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD-CAPPETTA INC, SITE PLAN REVIEW and SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING- (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special permit to renovate the existing structure to add two residential stories for six residential units with ground floor retail and a Special Permit for providing 1 FAHU and ground floor retail and associated parking (C-2 District) Circulation of Lead Agency ends April 12, 2020 3/12/2020 Initial PB review, SEQRA Unlisted Action, PB Authorized Circulation of Notice of Intent for Lead Agency 3/25/2020 PB Opened PH 4/1/2020 HCZMC SEQRA review and Consent to PB Lead Agency 4/12/2020 Circulation for Lead Agency ended 4/15/2020 HCZMC Preliminary Review 4/22/2020 PB continued PH 5/27/2020 PB continued PH 6/10/2020 PB continued PH
4. OLD BUSINESS A. 620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD CAPPETTA SITE/ LANDSCAPE PLAN AMENDMENT(Section 9 Block 52 Lot 2)Application to amend a Site Plan/ Landscape Plan ( C-1) 03 12 2020 PB Review 06 10 2020 PB Continued Review 5. ADJOURN MEETING
SITE PLAN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING A. 355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD-CAPPETTA INC, SITE PLAN REVIEW and SPECIAL PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING- (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special permit to renovate the existing structure to add two residential stories for six residential units with ground floor retail and a Special Permit for providing 1 FAHU and ground floor retail and associated parking (C-2 District) Circulation of Lead Agency ends April 12, 2020 3/12/2020 Initial PB review, SEQRA Unlisted Action, PB Authorized Circulation of Notice of Intent for Lead Agency 3/25/2020 PB Opened PH 4/1/2020 HCZMC SEQRA review and Consent to PB Lead Agency 4/12/2020 Circulation for Lead Agency ended 4/15/2020 HCZMC Preliminary Review 4/22/2020 PB continued PH 5/27/2020 PB continued PH 6/10/2020 PB continued PH
4. OLD BUSINESS A. 620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD CAPPETTA SITE/ LANDSCAPE PLAN AMENDMENT(Section 9 Block 52 Lot 2)Application to amend a Site Plan/ Landscape Plan ( C-1) 03 12 2020 PB Review 06 10 2020 PB Continued Review 5. ADJOURN MEETING