Watch Video A. You can join this meeting any time after 6:30pm to make sure you connect Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,93918157993# or +13126266799,,416884650# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 93918157993 International numbers available:
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES: Review of revised draft minutes from the 3/12 and 3/25/2020 Meetings
CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1 SHORE ROAD, 5W 2019 NAUSET LLC FOR SEA 146 LLC WETLANDS PERMIT and FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPEMENT PERMIT VARIANCE(Section 4, Block 77, Lot 25-1A) CONTINUED SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT AND REVIEW OF FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE APPLICATION- Application for a Wetlands Permit Marine Structures permit, Site Plan review and Flood Plain Development Variance to construct an addition to the existing residence with alterations to the existing single family home, construct a new garage, gatehouse, a pier, boat lift and two docks. The Applicant is also proposing to replace the existing pool, spa, patio areas and septic system and reconstruct portions of the driveway, install new storm water management improvements and new wetland buffer plantings. The property is located in the R-15 Residential District. 9/25/2019 Initial PB review and Opened PH 10/30/2019 HCZMC Preliminary Review 11/13/2019 PB Site Plan Review & SEQRA Type II Action 12/18/2019 HCZMC review, 2/1/2020 HCZMC Site Visit, 2/25/2020 HCZMC review 4/1/2020 HCZMC Consistency Determination 4/22/2020 PB continued PH 5/13/2020 PB continued PH and Consideration of DRAFT resolution
650 VAN RANST PLACE 4PBSP 2020 HOWARD MARTIN FOR SHELDRAKE RIVER REALTY, SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL PERMIT Application for a TOD Special Permit to construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. ( C-1 District) 3/5/2020 ZBA Granted Variances 3/25/2020 Open Special Permit Public Hearing 5/13/2020 PB continued PH and Consideration of DRAFT resolution
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 22 LAKE ROAD- 1W 2020 -HIRSHBERG WETLAND PERMIT (Section 4, Block 79, Lot 24) OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT Application for a Wetland permit to remove an existing 400 square foot elevated wooden deck and replace it with a 745 square foot elevated deck and stairs to grade. ( R-15 District) 5/13/2020 Initial PB review, Open Wetland Permit PH, Type SEQRA Action
B. 1165 GREACEN POINT ROAD-2W & 4SDP 2020 William & Elisabeth FEDNYA- WETLAND PERMIT AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL - (Section 9, Block 93A, Lot 10) TOWN (Section 9, Block 50, Lot 373)-OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT Application for a Wetland Permit and Site plan Approval to demolish existing structure and construct a new residence on site. The new residence will be constructed within an area that has previously been developed. The site will be served by an on site wastewater treatment system (Septic System) and be provided with water from a public water main on Greacen Point Road. (R-20 District) 5/13/2020 Initial PB review, Open Wetland Permit PH, Type SEQRA Action 5.ADJOURN MEETING
Watch Video A. You can join this meeting any time after 6:30pm to make sure you connect Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,93918157993# or +13126266799,,416884650# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 93918157993 International numbers available:
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES: Review of revised draft minutes from the 3/12 and 3/25/2020 Meetings
CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1 SHORE ROAD, 5W 2019 NAUSET LLC FOR SEA 146 LLC WETLANDS PERMIT and FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPEMENT PERMIT VARIANCE(Section 4, Block 77, Lot 25-1A) CONTINUED SITE PLAN REVIEW, CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT AND REVIEW OF FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE APPLICATION- Application for a Wetlands Permit Marine Structures permit, Site Plan review and Flood Plain Development Variance to construct an addition to the existing residence with alterations to the existing single family home, construct a new garage, gatehouse, a pier, boat lift and two docks. The Applicant is also proposing to replace the existing pool, spa, patio areas and septic system and reconstruct portions of the driveway, install new storm water management improvements and new wetland buffer plantings. The property is located in the R-15 Residential District. 9/25/2019 Initial PB review and Opened PH 10/30/2019 HCZMC Preliminary Review 11/13/2019 PB Site Plan Review & SEQRA Type II Action 12/18/2019 HCZMC review, 2/1/2020 HCZMC Site Visit, 2/25/2020 HCZMC review 4/1/2020 HCZMC Consistency Determination 4/22/2020 PB continued PH 5/13/2020 PB continued PH and Consideration of DRAFT resolution
650 VAN RANST PLACE 4PBSP 2020 HOWARD MARTIN FOR SHELDRAKE RIVER REALTY, SPECIAL PERMIT (Section 8, Block 83, Lot 15) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL PERMIT Application for a TOD Special Permit to construct a new 2 story single family residences, partially over the existing foundation. ( C-1 District) 3/5/2020 ZBA Granted Variances 3/25/2020 Open Special Permit Public Hearing 5/13/2020 PB continued PH and Consideration of DRAFT resolution
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 22 LAKE ROAD- 1W 2020 -HIRSHBERG WETLAND PERMIT (Section 4, Block 79, Lot 24) OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT Application for a Wetland permit to remove an existing 400 square foot elevated wooden deck and replace it with a 745 square foot elevated deck and stairs to grade. ( R-15 District) 5/13/2020 Initial PB review, Open Wetland Permit PH, Type SEQRA Action
B. 1165 GREACEN POINT ROAD-2W & 4SDP 2020 William & Elisabeth FEDNYA- WETLAND PERMIT AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL - (Section 9, Block 93A, Lot 10) TOWN (Section 9, Block 50, Lot 373)-OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON WETLANDS PERMIT Application for a Wetland Permit and Site plan Approval to demolish existing structure and construct a new residence on site. The new residence will be constructed within an area that has previously been developed. The site will be served by an on site wastewater treatment system (Septic System) and be provided with water from a public water main on Greacen Point Road. (R-20 District) 5/13/2020 Initial PB review, Open Wetland Permit PH, Type SEQRA Action 5.ADJOURN MEETING