RESOLUTIONS 526 and 530 FAYETTE AVENUE AGENCY CONSTRUCTION CORP FOR URBAN MANPOWER AND SUPPLY CORP. SITE PLAN AND SUBDIVISION APPLICATION (Section 8, Block 40, Lot 194 & 198) Application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval merge lots and demolish the existing 1 1/2 story Single Family Home on 530 Fayette Avenue and the existing 2 story converted office building on 526 Fayette Avenue and construct a 7,360 square foot 3 story commercial building with 16 on site parking spaces and related infrastructure. The applicant has applied to the Board of Appeals for a parking variance where 26 spaces are required and the applicant proposes 16. ( M-1 District). 01 22 2020 Negative Declaration Adopted 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted 02 26 2020 Public Hearing( Subdivision) Opened and Closed
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 947 SHORE ACRES DRIVE- FERRANTE 7W 2019 WETLANDS PERMIT (SECTION 4, BLOCK 71, LOT 11B AND 12) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Application for a wetlands permit for the relocation of a house presently located at 648 Shore Acres Drive to 947 Shore Acres Drive, which will include the use of fill in the wetland adjacent area in accordance with a conditional letter of map revision submitted to FEMA, and the construction of a driveway within the wetland adjacent area. Property is located in the R-10 Residential District CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING 11 13 2020 Public Hearing Opened 11 13 2020 SEQRA Type 2 Action under SEQRA 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted
716 , 722 GUION DRIVE and 721 STUART AVENUE WETLANDS PERMIT- CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Wetlands Permit Application - 716 Guion Drive, 722 Guion Drive and 721 Stuart Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 161), (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 163), (Section 4, Block 66, Lot 3).Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicants, Peter and Sara Ristine, Brendon Lewis and Jessica Doyle and Alanna and Simon Weifenbach, propose to re-grade and install new drainage structures across the rear yards of the above-mentioned parcels to improve drainage and reduce flooding. All properties involved are single family residences and propose no additional impervious surface. R-7.5 District 05 08 2019 Public Hearing Opened 05 08 2019 SEQRA- Type 2 Action 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted
NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN and SPECIAL PERMIT REVIEW 355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD-CAPPETTA INC, SITE PLAN and SPECIAL PERMIT- (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special permit to renovate the existing structure to add two residential stories for six residential units with ground floor retail and a Special Permit for providing 1 FAHU and ground floor retail and associated parking ( C-2 District)
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD CAPPETTA SITE/ LANDSCAPE PLAN AMENDMENT(Section 9 Block 52 Lot 2)Application to amend a Site Plan/ Landscape Plan ( C-1)
C. CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW: 707 FENIMORE ROAD (335 Fayette Ave) NICK and JOHN LIVANOS(Section 8 Block 86, Lot 5) Application for Site Plan And Special permit to operate a Seasonal Indoor Softball Training Facility ( M-1 District) 5. ADJOURN MEETING
RESOLUTIONS 526 and 530 FAYETTE AVENUE AGENCY CONSTRUCTION CORP FOR URBAN MANPOWER AND SUPPLY CORP. SITE PLAN AND SUBDIVISION APPLICATION (Section 8, Block 40, Lot 194 & 198) Application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval merge lots and demolish the existing 1 1/2 story Single Family Home on 530 Fayette Avenue and the existing 2 story converted office building on 526 Fayette Avenue and construct a 7,360 square foot 3 story commercial building with 16 on site parking spaces and related infrastructure. The applicant has applied to the Board of Appeals for a parking variance where 26 spaces are required and the applicant proposes 16. ( M-1 District). 01 22 2020 Negative Declaration Adopted 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted 02 26 2020 Public Hearing( Subdivision) Opened and Closed
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 947 SHORE ACRES DRIVE- FERRANTE 7W 2019 WETLANDS PERMIT (SECTION 4, BLOCK 71, LOT 11B AND 12) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Application for a wetlands permit for the relocation of a house presently located at 648 Shore Acres Drive to 947 Shore Acres Drive, which will include the use of fill in the wetland adjacent area in accordance with a conditional letter of map revision submitted to FEMA, and the construction of a driveway within the wetland adjacent area. Property is located in the R-10 Residential District CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING 11 13 2020 Public Hearing Opened 11 13 2020 SEQRA Type 2 Action under SEQRA 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted
716 , 722 GUION DRIVE and 721 STUART AVENUE WETLANDS PERMIT- CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Wetlands Permit Application - 716 Guion Drive, 722 Guion Drive and 721 Stuart Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck and designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 161), (Section 4, Block 66H, Lot 163), (Section 4, Block 66, Lot 3).Application for a Wetlands Permit the Applicants, Peter and Sara Ristine, Brendon Lewis and Jessica Doyle and Alanna and Simon Weifenbach, propose to re-grade and install new drainage structures across the rear yards of the above-mentioned parcels to improve drainage and reduce flooding. All properties involved are single family residences and propose no additional impervious surface. R-7.5 District 05 08 2019 Public Hearing Opened 05 08 2019 SEQRA- Type 2 Action 02 25 2020 Consistency Granted
NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN and SPECIAL PERMIT REVIEW 355 PHILLIPS PARK ROAD-CAPPETTA INC, SITE PLAN and SPECIAL PERMIT- (Section 9, Block 19, Lot 18C1) Application for Site Plan and Special permit to renovate the existing structure to add two residential stories for six residential units with ground floor retail and a Special Permit for providing 1 FAHU and ground floor retail and associated parking ( C-2 District)
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD CAPPETTA SITE/ LANDSCAPE PLAN AMENDMENT(Section 9 Block 52 Lot 2)Application to amend a Site Plan/ Landscape Plan ( C-1)
C. CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW: 707 FENIMORE ROAD (335 Fayette Ave) NICK and JOHN LIVANOS(Section 8 Block 86, Lot 5) Application for Site Plan And Special permit to operate a Seasonal Indoor Softball Training Facility ( M-1 District) 5. ADJOURN MEETING