APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of the January 8, 2020 meeting
SUBDIVISION/SITE PLAN REVIEW A. 526 and 530 FAYETTE AVENUE AGENCY CONSTRUCTION CORP FOR URBAN MANPOWER AND SUPPLY CORP. SITE PLAN REVIEW OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBDIVISION APPLICATION (Section 8, Block 40, Lot 194 & 198) Application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval merge lots and demolish the existing 1 1/2 story Single Family Home on 530 Fayette Avenue and the existing 2 story converted office building on 526 Fayette Avenue and construct a 7,360 square foot 3 story commercial building with 16 on site parking spaces and related infrastructure. The applicant has applied to the Board of Appeals for a parking variance where 26 spaces are required and the applicant proposes 16. ( M-1 District). SUBDIVISION APPLICATION SUBMITTED
PENDING WORK SESSION A. WORKSESSION 1025 COVE ROAD HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Hampshire discussion of Final Environmental Impact Statement for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. BOARD DISCUSSION of DRAFT FEIS 5. ADJOURN MEETING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of the January 8, 2020 meeting
SUBDIVISION/SITE PLAN REVIEW A. 526 and 530 FAYETTE AVENUE AGENCY CONSTRUCTION CORP FOR URBAN MANPOWER AND SUPPLY CORP. SITE PLAN REVIEW OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBDIVISION APPLICATION (Section 8, Block 40, Lot 194 & 198) Application for Site Plan and Subdivision Approval merge lots and demolish the existing 1 1/2 story Single Family Home on 530 Fayette Avenue and the existing 2 story converted office building on 526 Fayette Avenue and construct a 7,360 square foot 3 story commercial building with 16 on site parking spaces and related infrastructure. The applicant has applied to the Board of Appeals for a parking variance where 26 spaces are required and the applicant proposes 16. ( M-1 District). SUBDIVISION APPLICATION SUBMITTED
PENDING WORK SESSION A. WORKSESSION 1025 COVE ROAD HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Hampshire discussion of Final Environmental Impact Statement for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. BOARD DISCUSSION of DRAFT FEIS 5. ADJOURN MEETING