REQUEST FOR ADJOURNMENT A. 1017, 1019 AND 1021 GROVE STREET- CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING for an amendment of the subdivision plat of 1017, 1019 AND 1021 Grove Street designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32, 32.1 and 32.2 in the R-5 Zoning District. APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED AN ADJOURNMENT TO THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 MEETING
2B. WORKSESSION 1025 COVE ROAD HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Hampshire REDLINE Submission of Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement completeness. submitted 07 12 2019 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. 3. ADJOURN MEETING
REQUEST FOR ADJOURNMENT A. 1017, 1019 AND 1021 GROVE STREET- CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING for an amendment of the subdivision plat of 1017, 1019 AND 1021 Grove Street designated on the tax map of the Village of Mamaroneck as Section 4, Block 15, Lot 32, 32.1 and 32.2 in the R-5 Zoning District. APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED AN ADJOURNMENT TO THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 MEETING
2B. WORKSESSION 1025 COVE ROAD HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Hampshire REDLINE Submission of Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement completeness. submitted 07 12 2019 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. 3. ADJOURN MEETING