A. LUDVIPOL, LLC & RUEDIGER FLIK WETLANDS PERMIT (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 30A3), Planning Board to Consider adoption of the Draft Wetlands Permit Resolution for property located at 610 S. Barry Avenue (R10 District).
A. HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) PLANNING BOARD WORKSESSION ON THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT submitted October 10, 2018 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit.
1216 HENRY AVENUE- SUBDIVISION- (Section 4, Block 49, Lot 9) Board to consider a documents submitted for Final Plat Approval for a three lot subdivision with a single family home to be situated on each lot in the R-5 Zoning District.
GILCHER SUBDIVISION - PLANNING BOARD TO DECLARE LEAD AGENCY STATUS 122 Osborn Avenue (Section 4, Block 65A, Lot 69) Application for a subdivision to create 1 new building lot, where the existing +/-19, 916.70 square foot parcel is proposed to be divided into 2 lots, where the existing home will remain on a +/- 9,211.50 sq. ft. lot and the proposed new building lot will be +/- 10,705.2 sq. ft.. (R5- District)
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. GOLDANSKY PERMIT WETLANDS PERMIT- OPEN PUBLIC HEARING (Section 9, Block 42, Lot 48), 1040 Cove Road, Application for a wetlands permit for the addition of a rear deck and associated stairs. (R20 District)
5. NEW BUSINESS A. MAMARONECK CINEMAS- SITE PLAN(Section 9, Block 6, Lot 68) 239- 45 Mamaroneck Avenue. Application for Site plan Approval to enlarge the existing Mamaroneck Playhouse (C-2 District) 7. ADJOURN MEETING
A. LUDVIPOL, LLC & RUEDIGER FLIK WETLANDS PERMIT (Section 4, Block 77, Lot 30A3), Planning Board to Consider adoption of the Draft Wetlands Permit Resolution for property located at 610 S. Barry Avenue (R10 District).
A. HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB: 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) PLANNING BOARD WORKSESSION ON THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT submitted October 10, 2018 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit.
1216 HENRY AVENUE- SUBDIVISION- (Section 4, Block 49, Lot 9) Board to consider a documents submitted for Final Plat Approval for a three lot subdivision with a single family home to be situated on each lot in the R-5 Zoning District.
GILCHER SUBDIVISION - PLANNING BOARD TO DECLARE LEAD AGENCY STATUS 122 Osborn Avenue (Section 4, Block 65A, Lot 69) Application for a subdivision to create 1 new building lot, where the existing +/-19, 916.70 square foot parcel is proposed to be divided into 2 lots, where the existing home will remain on a +/- 9,211.50 sq. ft. lot and the proposed new building lot will be +/- 10,705.2 sq. ft.. (R5- District)
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. GOLDANSKY PERMIT WETLANDS PERMIT- OPEN PUBLIC HEARING (Section 9, Block 42, Lot 48), 1040 Cove Road, Application for a wetlands permit for the addition of a rear deck and associated stairs. (R20 District)
5. NEW BUSINESS A. MAMARONECK CINEMAS- SITE PLAN(Section 9, Block 6, Lot 68) 239- 45 Mamaroneck Avenue. Application for Site plan Approval to enlarge the existing Mamaroneck Playhouse (C-2 District) 7. ADJOURN MEETING