OLD BUSINESS A. ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, (Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14) Review and discussion of submission of the Subdivision Plat for the property located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District.
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Continued Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted December 2017 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. Comments will be accepted until 30 days after the close of the public hearing. 8. ADJOURN MEETING
OLD BUSINESS A. ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, (Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14) Review and discussion of submission of the Subdivision Plat for the property located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District.
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB 1025 Cove Road (Section 9, Block 35, Lot 700; Section 9, Block 36, Lot 1; Section 9, Block 42, Lots 568, 695 and 367; Section 9, Block 43, Lots 1 and 12 ) Continued Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted December 2017 for an application for a proposed Subdivision, Site Plan and Special Permit. Comments will be accepted until 30 days after the close of the public hearing. 8. ADJOURN MEETING