HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB - DEIS Acknowledgement of the receipt of the DEIS- the substance of this document will NOT be discussed at this meeting
ORIENTA BEACH CLUB - SITE PLAN 1054 Walton Avenue Site Plan (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Application to relocate an existing platform tennis court, add an additional court, add a new Warming hut and decking and install storm water recharging system (MR District) Planning Board to consider a draft negative declaration
MAMARONECK ICES - SITE PLAN 946 East Boston Post Road, Section 4, Block,63, lot 1 Application Site Plan approval in order to operate an ice cream shop, property located in the C1 Zoning district.
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SUBDIVISION 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Subdivision Application (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) discussion of proposed merging of lots for the redevelopment of a retail center AS PER THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST- THIS APPLICATION WILL BE ADJOURNED TO THE MAY 10, 2017 MEETING.
JEFFREY & VICTORIA MAGGARD -WETLANDS PERMIT 8 Oak Lane Wetlands Permit (Section 9 Block 92 Lot 8) to construct an addition to the house, a new in ground swimming pool, remove the existing asphalt tennis court, replace existing septic tank and associated site work in the R-20 District
TERRACE COURT - SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT 128 Library Lane, Section 9, Block 49 Lot 19A, Application for a site plan to construct a three story - three unit multi family residence with parking on the first story at grade ( C-1 District)
T-MOBILE NORTHEAST- SPECIAL PERMIT RECERTIFICATION and AMENDMENT FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY 910 Stuart Avenue, ( Section 4, Block 62, lots 2, 3 7 & 8) Application for the recertification and amendment of a special permit for a wireless telecommunication facility ( R-7.5 Zoning District)
RESOLUTIONS A. WORK SESSION - Continued discussion on micro-breweries and similar uses. 8. ADJOURN MEETING
HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB - DEIS Acknowledgement of the receipt of the DEIS- the substance of this document will NOT be discussed at this meeting
ORIENTA BEACH CLUB - SITE PLAN 1054 Walton Avenue Site Plan (Section 9, Block 98, Lot 1) Application to relocate an existing platform tennis court, add an additional court, add a new Warming hut and decking and install storm water recharging system (MR District) Planning Board to consider a draft negative declaration
MAMARONECK ICES - SITE PLAN 946 East Boston Post Road, Section 4, Block,63, lot 1 Application Site Plan approval in order to operate an ice cream shop, property located in the C1 Zoning district.
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SUBDIVISION 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Subdivision Application (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) discussion of proposed merging of lots for the redevelopment of a retail center AS PER THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST- THIS APPLICATION WILL BE ADJOURNED TO THE MAY 10, 2017 MEETING.
JEFFREY & VICTORIA MAGGARD -WETLANDS PERMIT 8 Oak Lane Wetlands Permit (Section 9 Block 92 Lot 8) to construct an addition to the house, a new in ground swimming pool, remove the existing asphalt tennis court, replace existing septic tank and associated site work in the R-20 District
TERRACE COURT - SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT 128 Library Lane, Section 9, Block 49 Lot 19A, Application for a site plan to construct a three story - three unit multi family residence with parking on the first story at grade ( C-1 District)
T-MOBILE NORTHEAST- SPECIAL PERMIT RECERTIFICATION and AMENDMENT FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY 910 Stuart Avenue, ( Section 4, Block 62, lots 2, 3 7 & 8) Application for the recertification and amendment of a special permit for a wireless telecommunication facility ( R-7.5 Zoning District)
RESOLUTIONS A. WORK SESSION - Continued discussion on micro-breweries and similar uses. 8. ADJOURN MEETING