APPROVAL OF MINUTES DUMPSTER PERMITS A. WORK SESSION - ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14, Planning Board work session for the development of a Findings Statement regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for proposed 3 lot subdivision located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District
3. OLD BUSINESS A. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SITE PLAN 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Site Plan (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) Continued review of Site plan Application (C-1 District) 4. WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SUBDIVISION 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Subdivision Application (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) Initial discussion of proposed merging of lots for the redevelopment of a retail center
NEW BUSINESS A. TERRACE COURT - SITE PLAN 128 Library Lane, Section 9, Block 49 Lot 19A, Application for a site plan to construct a three story - three unit multi family residence with parking on the first story at grade ( C-1 District)
7. RESOLUTIONS A. EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session to Discuss Litigation 8. ADJOURN MEETING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES DUMPSTER PERMITS A. WORK SESSION - ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14, Planning Board work session for the development of a Findings Statement regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for proposed 3 lot subdivision located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District
3. OLD BUSINESS A. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SITE PLAN 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Site Plan (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) Continued review of Site plan Application (C-1 District) 4. WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. MAMARONECK CENTER- BRIXMOR SUBDIVISION 805, 817- 819 Mamaroneck Avenue - Subdivision Application (Section 8, Block 72, Lot 1 & Section 8 , Block 69, Lot 1 ) Initial discussion of proposed merging of lots for the redevelopment of a retail center
NEW BUSINESS A. TERRACE COURT - SITE PLAN 128 Library Lane, Section 9, Block 49 Lot 19A, Application for a site plan to construct a three story - three unit multi family residence with parking on the first story at grade ( C-1 District)
7. RESOLUTIONS A. EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session to Discuss Litigation 8. ADJOURN MEETING