OLD BUSINESS A. ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14, Planning Board Discussion of Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for proposed 3 lot subdivision located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District
RESOLUTIONS A. HARBOR VIEW WEST- SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT 620 West Boston Post Road, Section 9, Block 52, Lot 2, The Board will consider a draft resolution for site plan approval for construction of 6 multi-family residential units and special permit under the infill housing under section 342-50 of the Village Code in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone.
7B. FASNY- SITE PLAN & SPECIALPERMIT French American School of New York 320 East Boston Post Road, Section 4, Block 58 Lot 10, Application for site plan and special permit for the adaptive reuse of the existing school , rectory and convent of the former Most Holy Trinity Church. The Applicant proposes no exterior modifications, only interior renovations. ( C-1 / R-5 District) 8. ADJOURN MEETING
OLD BUSINESS A. ALTER SUBDIVISION 1000 Taylors Lane, Section 4 Block 77, Lot 14, Planning Board Discussion of Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for proposed 3 lot subdivision located at 1000 Taylors Lane in the R-15 District
RESOLUTIONS A. HARBOR VIEW WEST- SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT 620 West Boston Post Road, Section 9, Block 52, Lot 2, The Board will consider a draft resolution for site plan approval for construction of 6 multi-family residential units and special permit under the infill housing under section 342-50 of the Village Code in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone.
7B. FASNY- SITE PLAN & SPECIALPERMIT French American School of New York 320 East Boston Post Road, Section 4, Block 58 Lot 10, Application for site plan and special permit for the adaptive reuse of the existing school , rectory and convent of the former Most Holy Trinity Church. The Applicant proposes no exterior modifications, only interior renovations. ( C-1 / R-5 District) 8. ADJOURN MEETING