422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT Continued review of the proposed conversion of an existing office building (former funeral home) into a new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas in the C-1 District and consideration of an amended negative declaration.
805, 817- 819 MAMARONECK AVENUE - CONCEPT PLAN The Applicant will present revisions made in reponse to Board review of a Conceptual Site plan for redevelopment/new construction of retail shops along Mamaroneck Avenue. The proposal seeks to combine two sites: the first site (2.23 acres) contains a vacant 25,377 square foot retail building, previously occupied by A&P supermarket. The second site (0.113 acres) contains a vacant three-story residential apartment building. The new building will consist of five single story retail units totaling approximately 11,975 square feet in floor area in the C-1 district
TJ MILO - LANDSCAPE PLAN REVISION The Planning Board will consider a revision to the previously approved landscape plan for 441, 442, 524, & 532 Waverly Avenue.
DCH AUTO - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION Request for extension of time to park Toyota vehicles on the C-1 portion of 1258 East Boston Post Road to December 31, 2016
B. WORK SESSION: Presentations by Greg Cutler * Base Flood Elevations * School Report Study 8. ADJOURN MEETING
422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - SITE PLAN & SPECIAL PERMIT Continued review of the proposed conversion of an existing office building (former funeral home) into a new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas in the C-1 District and consideration of an amended negative declaration.
805, 817- 819 MAMARONECK AVENUE - CONCEPT PLAN The Applicant will present revisions made in reponse to Board review of a Conceptual Site plan for redevelopment/new construction of retail shops along Mamaroneck Avenue. The proposal seeks to combine two sites: the first site (2.23 acres) contains a vacant 25,377 square foot retail building, previously occupied by A&P supermarket. The second site (0.113 acres) contains a vacant three-story residential apartment building. The new building will consist of five single story retail units totaling approximately 11,975 square feet in floor area in the C-1 district
TJ MILO - LANDSCAPE PLAN REVISION The Planning Board will consider a revision to the previously approved landscape plan for 441, 442, 524, & 532 Waverly Avenue.
DCH AUTO - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION Request for extension of time to park Toyota vehicles on the C-1 portion of 1258 East Boston Post Road to December 31, 2016
B. WORK SESSION: Presentations by Greg Cutler * Base Flood Elevations * School Report Study 8. ADJOURN MEETING