APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The Planning Board is reviewing the draft minutes for the Planning Board meetings of 3/9/16 and 3/23/16.
MAMARONECK BEACH & YACHT CLUB - Submission of DSEIS 1. Submission of DSEIS Planning Board review for completeness of an April 2016 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for sewer system construction at 555 South Barry Avenue. 2. Request for extension of site plan approval Planning Board review of the Applicant’s request for a further extension of both the time to commence and the time to complete construction as set forth in the Planning Board’s December 2010 site plan resolution for the property and as amended by Planning Board Resolutions dated May 9, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 11, 2013 and December 18, 2014.
204 Rockland Avenue - (Angelo & Joey's Auto Body) - Site Plan Continued Planning Board review of one-story addition to the Rockland Avenue side of an existing 1 1/2 -story building occupied by Angelo & Joey's Auto Body. The new 1-story addition will consist of 312 square feet. The existing building is 2,361 square feet. The proposed addition will include a new handicapped bathroom and a small office. The property is a non-conforming use in the R-2F District. This application received 2 variances from the ZBA on October 1, 2015 and now returns for continued site plan review.
201 GRAND STREET - Proposed 2 Lot Subdivision Consider Negative Declaration Subdivision to create 1 new lot and construct a 2 family dwelling on each lot (2 lots in total) of a property in an R-4F Residential District located at 201 Grand Street .The Planning Board is now the Lead Agency for the SEQRA review of this application.
1216 Henry Avenue- Proposed 3 lot Subdivision Continued review of proposed three lot subdivision and storm water management system. Consideration of Conditioned Negative Declaration
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit The Planning Board will continue its review of site plan for construction of 6 multi-family residential units in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone. Application also requires infill housing in the C-1 District under 342-50.
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 648 SHORE ACRES - WETLANDS PERMIT FOR DOCK RECONSTRUCTION The applicant is proposing to remove the existing dock configuration consisting of a ramp and floating docks, and replace it with a dock configuration comprised of a fixed pier, ramp, and floating docks. Presently, the upland of the site contains the residence and upland landscaping and appurtenances. At the waterfront, the site consists of a stone and mortar bulkhead contacting Spring High Water and Average High Water and the existing ramp and floating docks. The purpose of the proposed work is to bring the site into regulatory compliance and to provide the applicant with a more appropriate design to accommodate his private recreational boating needs.
422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit in C-1 District Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING- special permit for infill housing in the C- 1 District(under 342-50) Site Plan Review - revision sheets L1.0, L1.1 & L2.0 green roof plan and Pedestrian Perspective Views submitted Planning Board review of existing office building (former funeral home) being converted to new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas.
6. NEW BUSINESS A. Board of Trustees Referral: Board of Trustees referral requesting a Report and Recommendations from the Planning Board on Village Zoning Laws, including FAR, Elevations & Corner Lot Provisions. 7. RESOLUTIONS 8. ADJOURN MEETING
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The Planning Board is reviewing the draft minutes for the Planning Board meetings of 3/9/16 and 3/23/16.
MAMARONECK BEACH & YACHT CLUB - Submission of DSEIS 1. Submission of DSEIS Planning Board review for completeness of an April 2016 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for sewer system construction at 555 South Barry Avenue. 2. Request for extension of site plan approval Planning Board review of the Applicant’s request for a further extension of both the time to commence and the time to complete construction as set forth in the Planning Board’s December 2010 site plan resolution for the property and as amended by Planning Board Resolutions dated May 9, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 11, 2013 and December 18, 2014.
204 Rockland Avenue - (Angelo & Joey's Auto Body) - Site Plan Continued Planning Board review of one-story addition to the Rockland Avenue side of an existing 1 1/2 -story building occupied by Angelo & Joey's Auto Body. The new 1-story addition will consist of 312 square feet. The existing building is 2,361 square feet. The proposed addition will include a new handicapped bathroom and a small office. The property is a non-conforming use in the R-2F District. This application received 2 variances from the ZBA on October 1, 2015 and now returns for continued site plan review.
201 GRAND STREET - Proposed 2 Lot Subdivision Consider Negative Declaration Subdivision to create 1 new lot and construct a 2 family dwelling on each lot (2 lots in total) of a property in an R-4F Residential District located at 201 Grand Street .The Planning Board is now the Lead Agency for the SEQRA review of this application.
1216 Henry Avenue- Proposed 3 lot Subdivision Continued review of proposed three lot subdivision and storm water management system. Consideration of Conditioned Negative Declaration
620 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit The Planning Board will continue its review of site plan for construction of 6 multi-family residential units in the C-1 General Commercial District and the Harbor Island Scenic Overlay Zone. Application also requires infill housing in the C-1 District under 342-50.
WETLANDS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 648 SHORE ACRES - WETLANDS PERMIT FOR DOCK RECONSTRUCTION The applicant is proposing to remove the existing dock configuration consisting of a ramp and floating docks, and replace it with a dock configuration comprised of a fixed pier, ramp, and floating docks. Presently, the upland of the site contains the residence and upland landscaping and appurtenances. At the waterfront, the site consists of a stone and mortar bulkhead contacting Spring High Water and Average High Water and the existing ramp and floating docks. The purpose of the proposed work is to bring the site into regulatory compliance and to provide the applicant with a more appropriate design to accommodate his private recreational boating needs.
422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit in C-1 District Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING- special permit for infill housing in the C- 1 District(under 342-50) Site Plan Review - revision sheets L1.0, L1.1 & L2.0 green roof plan and Pedestrian Perspective Views submitted Planning Board review of existing office building (former funeral home) being converted to new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas.
6. NEW BUSINESS A. Board of Trustees Referral: Board of Trustees referral requesting a Report and Recommendations from the Planning Board on Village Zoning Laws, including FAR, Elevations & Corner Lot Provisions. 7. RESOLUTIONS 8. ADJOURN MEETING