OLD BUSINESS 201 GRAND STREET - 2 Lot Subdivision Subdivision to create 1 new lot and construct a 2 family dwelling on each lot (2 lots in total) of a property in an R-4F Residential District located at 201 Grand Street .The Planning Board is now the Lead Agency for the SEQRA review of this application.
204 Rockland Avenue - (Angelo & Joey's Auto Body) - Site Plan Continued Planning Board review of one-story addition to the Rockland Avenue side of an existing 1 1/2 -story building occupied by Angelo & Joey's Auto Body. The new 1-story addition will consist of 312 square feet. The existing building is 2,361 square feet. The proposed addition will include a new handicapped bathroom and a small office. The property is a non-conforming use in the R-2F District. This application received 2 variances from the ZBA on October 1, 2015 and now returns for continued site plan review.
PUBLIC HEARINGS 422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit in C-1 District OPEN PUBLIC HEARING- special permit for infill housing in the C-1 District(under 342-50) Site Plan Review revision 03/11/2016 green roof plan Planning Board review of existing office building (former funeral home) being converted to new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas.
NEW BUSINESS 209 GRAND STREET Application for Subdivision- proposed 2 lot subdivision for the creation of one new lot . An existing 2 family residence will remain and an additional 2 family home is proposed fro the newly created lot in the R-4F district. This application had received Preliminary Plat approval on July 09, 2014 which had lapsed while seeking other approvals
7. RESOLUTIONS 438 CENTER AVENUE - Site Plan Planning Board review of draft resolution 8. ADJOURN MEETING
OLD BUSINESS 201 GRAND STREET - 2 Lot Subdivision Subdivision to create 1 new lot and construct a 2 family dwelling on each lot (2 lots in total) of a property in an R-4F Residential District located at 201 Grand Street .The Planning Board is now the Lead Agency for the SEQRA review of this application.
204 Rockland Avenue - (Angelo & Joey's Auto Body) - Site Plan Continued Planning Board review of one-story addition to the Rockland Avenue side of an existing 1 1/2 -story building occupied by Angelo & Joey's Auto Body. The new 1-story addition will consist of 312 square feet. The existing building is 2,361 square feet. The proposed addition will include a new handicapped bathroom and a small office. The property is a non-conforming use in the R-2F District. This application received 2 variances from the ZBA on October 1, 2015 and now returns for continued site plan review.
PUBLIC HEARINGS 422 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD - Site Plan and Special Permit in C-1 District OPEN PUBLIC HEARING- special permit for infill housing in the C-1 District(under 342-50) Site Plan Review revision 03/11/2016 green roof plan Planning Board review of existing office building (former funeral home) being converted to new 4-story, 13 unit apartment building with associated driveway and parking areas.
NEW BUSINESS 209 GRAND STREET Application for Subdivision- proposed 2 lot subdivision for the creation of one new lot . An existing 2 family residence will remain and an additional 2 family home is proposed fro the newly created lot in the R-4F district. This application had received Preliminary Plat approval on July 09, 2014 which had lapsed while seeking other approvals
7. RESOLUTIONS 438 CENTER AVENUE - Site Plan Planning Board review of draft resolution 8. ADJOURN MEETING