Big Brothers & Big Sisters Clothing Donation Receptacle at Library Lane Lot (On for Regular Meeting)
EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Request to Sell Village Property/Right-Of-Way in adjacent to 604 Halstead Avenue - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(h) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property as the publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. ADJOURN
Big Brothers & Big Sisters Clothing Donation Receptacle at Library Lane Lot (On for Regular Meeting)
EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Request to Sell Village Property/Right-Of-Way in adjacent to 604 Halstead Avenue - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(h) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property as the publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. ADJOURN