EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Sporttime - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(d) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to matters of current litigation.
FY 2020/21 Fees And Charges Schedules 1. Recreation Fees & Charges 2. Harbor Master Fees & Charges 3. Fees for RP and CV Permits ADJOURN
EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Sporttime - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(d) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to matters of current litigation.
FY 2020/21 Fees And Charges Schedules 1. Recreation Fees & Charges 2. Harbor Master Fees & Charges 3. Fees for RP and CV Permits ADJOURN