NEW BUSINESS PIN 8761.65 - Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River - Authorization to Commence Negotiations for the Acquisition of Real Property and Temporary Construction Easements (on for regular meeting)
Inter-municipal Agreement with Westchester County for a Flood Mitigation Grant in the Amount of $1,000,000 for the Hillside Avenue Bridge Replacement Project (on for regular meeting)
Contract 2019-07 - Furnish & Install New Boiler at 313 Fayette Avenue (DPW) - On for Regular Meeting
Authorization to Execute an Agreement with PayPal for Third-Party Credit Card Processing for the Accela Land Use Management System (on for regular meeting)
Authorization to Execute a Lease Agreement for Postage Meter Machines (on for regular meeting)
Zero Environmental and Infrastructure Impact Plan (ZEII) Goals, Scope, Follow-up Actions (No Attachment)
Water Quality Assessment & Improvement Program Implementation Plan (Draft Plan included on 09-23-2019 and 10-15-2019 Work Session Agendas)
NEW BUSINESS PIN 8761.65 - Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River - Authorization to Commence Negotiations for the Acquisition of Real Property and Temporary Construction Easements (on for regular meeting)
Inter-municipal Agreement with Westchester County for a Flood Mitigation Grant in the Amount of $1,000,000 for the Hillside Avenue Bridge Replacement Project (on for regular meeting)
Contract 2019-07 - Furnish & Install New Boiler at 313 Fayette Avenue (DPW) - On for Regular Meeting
Authorization to Execute an Agreement with PayPal for Third-Party Credit Card Processing for the Accela Land Use Management System (on for regular meeting)
Authorization to Execute a Lease Agreement for Postage Meter Machines (on for regular meeting)
Zero Environmental and Infrastructure Impact Plan (ZEII) Goals, Scope, Follow-up Actions (No Attachment)
Water Quality Assessment & Improvement Program Implementation Plan (Draft Plan included on 09-23-2019 and 10-15-2019 Work Session Agendas)