3. EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Appointments to Tree Committee and Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee -- It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(f) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to the matters leading to the appointment of individuals to the aforementioned committees. B. Memorandum of Agreement with CSEA – It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(e) of the New York State Public Officers Law to discussion collective negotiations pursuant to Article Fourteen of the Civil Service Law. ADJOURN
3. EXECUTIVE SESSION - ADVICE OF COUNSEL A. Appointments to Tree Committee and Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee -- It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(f) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to the matters leading to the appointment of individuals to the aforementioned committees. B. Memorandum of Agreement with CSEA – It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(e) of the New York State Public Officers Law to discussion collective negotiations pursuant to Article Fourteen of the Civil Service Law. ADJOURN