NEW BUSINESS Appeal of False Alarm Charges - 570 Shore Acres Drive - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered for the Board of Trustees to Convene as the Alarm Review Board pursuant to §88-10 of the Village Code for the Purpose of Hearing an Appeal of a False Alarm Charge.
PIN 8761.65 - Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River - Supplemental Agreement #2 - Additional Design & Engineering Services
NEW BUSINESS Appeal of False Alarm Charges - 570 Shore Acres Drive - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered for the Board of Trustees to Convene as the Alarm Review Board pursuant to §88-10 of the Village Code for the Purpose of Hearing an Appeal of a False Alarm Charge.
PIN 8761.65 - Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River - Supplemental Agreement #2 - Additional Design & Engineering Services