Public Hearing on PLL C-2019 To amend Chapter 342 of the Code of the Village of Mamaroneck (Zoning) regarding housing
Consistency Determination PIN 8761.65 Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River Replacement (on for regular meeting)
A. Collective Bargaining Negotiations with CSEA - it is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(e) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it related to Collective Negotiation with the CSEA pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. B. Sporttime - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(h) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to matters to the proposed lease of real property when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. C. Appointment to ZBA and Committee Liaisons - it is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(f) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it related to matters leading to the appointment of a particular person to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board Liaison Appointments. ADJOURN
Public Hearing on PLL C-2019 To amend Chapter 342 of the Code of the Village of Mamaroneck (Zoning) regarding housing
Consistency Determination PIN 8761.65 Hillside Avenue Bridge over Mamaroneck River Replacement (on for regular meeting)
A. Collective Bargaining Negotiations with CSEA - it is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(e) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it related to Collective Negotiation with the CSEA pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. B. Sporttime - It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(h) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it relates to matters to the proposed lease of real property when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. C. Appointment to ZBA and Committee Liaisons - it is anticipated that a motion will be offered to enter into Executive Session pursuant to §105(1)(f) of the New York State Public Officers Law as it related to matters leading to the appointment of a particular person to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board Liaison Appointments. ADJOURN