Public Hearing on PLL P-2018 - Eliminate references to Zone 10(e) and meters in zone 5(b); correct time limit for Zones 2(b) and 9; and, changes to parking hours on north side of Halstead Avenue from Mamaroneck Avenue to Jefferson Avenue and last two spaces on the south side over the Mamaroneck River
Public Hearing on PLL Q-2018 – Prospect Lot (zone 22) - changes maximum to four hours and $.75/hour rate; Carves out spaces on East Prospect Avenue between Mamaroneck Avenue and Tompkins Avenue from Zone 9 to new Zone 24 – two hours at $.75/hour; Hunter Tier parking from 4 hours to 10 hours; zones 13 and 15 – from one hour to two hours per signage and 326-54; clarifies parking in lots (zones 19,21, and 22) between 6pm and midnight
Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law R-2018 to extend a moratorium on the acceptance, processing and approval of applications concerning multi-family developments or subdivisions which would result in three or more residences, amending Chapter 342 of the Code of the Village of Mamaroneck (Zoning)
OLD BUSINESS A. Resolution re: SEQR Determination for Hillside Avenue Bridge Replacement (Will be Held Over) B. Resolution Establishing Position and Salary of Senior Recreation Leader
Adoption of Revised Bond Resolution for $219,255 Sidewalk Improvements/Computers, 10 Years
Adoption of Revised Bond Resolution for $219,255 Sidewalk Improvements/Computers, 10 Years
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of Board of Trustee Work Session and Regular Meeting of September 12, 2018 B. Minutes of the HCZMC Meeting of January 17, 2018 C. Minutes of the Board of Traffic Commissioners Meeting of August 9, 2018
Public Hearing on PLL P-2018 - Eliminate references to Zone 10(e) and meters in zone 5(b); correct time limit for Zones 2(b) and 9; and, changes to parking hours on north side of Halstead Avenue from Mamaroneck Avenue to Jefferson Avenue and last two spaces on the south side over the Mamaroneck River
Public Hearing on PLL Q-2018 – Prospect Lot (zone 22) - changes maximum to four hours and $.75/hour rate; Carves out spaces on East Prospect Avenue between Mamaroneck Avenue and Tompkins Avenue from Zone 9 to new Zone 24 – two hours at $.75/hour; Hunter Tier parking from 4 hours to 10 hours; zones 13 and 15 – from one hour to two hours per signage and 326-54; clarifies parking in lots (zones 19,21, and 22) between 6pm and midnight
Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law R-2018 to extend a moratorium on the acceptance, processing and approval of applications concerning multi-family developments or subdivisions which would result in three or more residences, amending Chapter 342 of the Code of the Village of Mamaroneck (Zoning)
OLD BUSINESS A. Resolution re: SEQR Determination for Hillside Avenue Bridge Replacement (Will be Held Over) B. Resolution Establishing Position and Salary of Senior Recreation Leader
Adoption of Revised Bond Resolution for $219,255 Sidewalk Improvements/Computers, 10 Years
Adoption of Revised Bond Resolution for $219,255 Sidewalk Improvements/Computers, 10 Years
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of Board of Trustee Work Session and Regular Meeting of September 12, 2018 B. Minutes of the HCZMC Meeting of January 17, 2018 C. Minutes of the Board of Traffic Commissioners Meeting of August 9, 2018