OPEN MEETING 1. OLD BUSINESS A. Resolution Adding Items 2B and 2C to the March 19, 2018 Special Meeting Agenda B. Resolution Rescheduling the Public Hearing on PLL A-2018 - To Repeal Local Law 8-2017 C. Resolution Rescheduling the Public Hearing on PLL B-2018 - To Amend the Zoning Code of the Village of Mamaroneck in Relation to Membership Clubs 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion of Matrix Report - Building Department and Land Use Board Policies, Procedures & Processes ADJOURN
OPEN MEETING 1. OLD BUSINESS A. Resolution Adding Items 2B and 2C to the March 19, 2018 Special Meeting Agenda B. Resolution Rescheduling the Public Hearing on PLL A-2018 - To Repeal Local Law 8-2017 C. Resolution Rescheduling the Public Hearing on PLL B-2018 - To Amend the Zoning Code of the Village of Mamaroneck in Relation to Membership Clubs 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion of Matrix Report - Building Department and Land Use Board Policies, Procedures & Processes ADJOURN