Public Hearing on PLL-V of 2016 Residential Parking Permit (amended law)
Public Hearing on PLL-V of 2016 Residential Parking Permit (amended law)
Water Rates – continued discussion and consideration
Water Rates – continued discussion and consideration
Proposal for a change order to include Columbus Park basketball court re-painting and new backboards as part of the tennis and basketball court upgrade contract.
Resolution to schedule a public hearing on PLL-W 2016 regarding modifications to the FAR
Resolution to schedule a public hearing on PLL-X 2016 regarding amendments to the zoning code regarding corner lots
Resolution Adding an Item (Part 1 of 2)
Resolution Approving Submission of an Application to the Bridge NY Grant Program
Executive Session (Part 1 of 2)
Executive Session – in Accordance with NYS OML Article 7, Sections 105d and e. ADJOURN
Resolution Adding an Item (Part 2 of 2)
Resolution Approving Submission of an Application to the Bridge NY Grant Program
Executive Session (Part 1 of 2)
Executive Session – in Accordance with NYS OML Article 7, Sections 105d and e. ADJOURN
Public Hearing on PLL-V of 2016 Residential Parking Permit (amended law)
Public Hearing on PLL-V of 2016 Residential Parking Permit (amended law)
Water Rates – continued discussion and consideration
Water Rates – continued discussion and consideration
Proposal for a change order to include Columbus Park basketball court re-painting and new backboards as part of the tennis and basketball court upgrade contract.
Resolution to schedule a public hearing on PLL-W 2016 regarding modifications to the FAR
Resolution to schedule a public hearing on PLL-X 2016 regarding amendments to the zoning code regarding corner lots
Resolution Adding an Item (Part 1 of 2)
Resolution Approving Submission of an Application to the Bridge NY Grant Program
Executive Session (Part 1 of 2)
Executive Session – in Accordance with NYS OML Article 7, Sections 105d and e. ADJOURN
Resolution Adding an Item (Part 2 of 2)
Resolution Approving Submission of an Application to the Bridge NY Grant Program
Executive Session (Part 1 of 2)
Executive Session – in Accordance with NYS OML Article 7, Sections 105d and e. ADJOURN